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DarrenHowie last won the day on May 30 2024

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  1. Very much looking forward to taking the 733 out for a spin in XP12. Always been one of my favorite addons ever for XP with an amazing level of immersion. Excited for Friday!
  2. It becomes tiresome to read the whinging about upgrade prices from a vocal few who seem to have no respect for the amount of work it takes to develop hi fidelity addons. I bought the IXEG a long time ago nd have flogged it to death and will be very glad to see one of the most immersive addons in any sim updated and expanded upon. Anyone who expects that for free after years of usage is being disrespectful to ALL developers who spend many hours for very little reward. Big thanks to those who are bringing the 733 back bigger and better than ever.
  3. Very glad to pay the $15 to upgrade as i have flogged the 733 to death over many years of enjoyable flying. I dont expect anyone to work for nothing a i certainly wont! Looking forward to taking it out for a lash!
  4. Quick mod of the Q4xp pilot mod for external views thats available on the org that will gives us pilots in the external view of the 650. Follow the instructions in the mod with the exception of the positions listed below. Use these positions instead and all of a sudden you will have pilots in your Challenger not a drone. External screenshots are massively lacking with a vacant cockpit this fixes that. The original mod https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/76400-3d-pilots-mod-flyjsim-q4xp/ 650 position data Challenger positions. 00964 00000 00015 Aircraft reference 1800 inside All views No prefill No more empty cockpits.
  5. Gday, First awesome work on the 650 its fabulous. I have tried now at several airports with weather ranging from light snow to heavy snow all below zero C to get the snow textures to appear on the 650. I have tried default, AS and xenviro and in every case no snow textures are appearing on the wing just the standard reflections. In all cases weather was well and truly in the range where snow would build up. So is there a minimum texture, effects or display settings required to make them appear? An example taken a short time ago. Deice textures are appearing ie type 1 and type 4 colour textures without issue. PAHO 090253Z 33003KT 1/4SM +SN FZFG VV005 M11/M13 A2946 RMK AO2 SLP977 P0008 60013 T11111133 56014, SHARED BY DUPLICATE STATIONS: KHOM, PAHD Any ideas? PS How about some pilots in the exterior view so in screenshots it doesnt look like a drone? There are some very acceptable pilot models available for exterior view use and no i donbt like pilots on the inside in xplane they do look very average indeed. Thanks again for the great work.
  6. I have default as to what was included in the package abour 14 hours ago..ill try the new cfg's and im another GTN750 only user. I hadnt used the 430 but have the disbled left knobs issue as well. Ive now had the GTM screen fail to display twice. Using the GTN popup the unit is working its just not displaying the screen here. Further swapping the cfg has now stopped the GTN750 from displaying at all. Only way to see it is via popup. Bizarre as i did three flights in it yesterday after purchase without issue. Buttons still U/S on left dial of 430 With new cfg also waypoint names are not rolling over to show active waypoint.Distance info etc is correct just the name not rolling over to reflect active waypoint.
  7. Thanks mate i was starting to figure that...great work on the product!!
  8. Probably a ridiculously stupid oversight on my behalf but can someone tell me where the co-located DME distance is displayed for a VOR or ILS? Im not seeing any distance info on aids with colocated/tuned DME's and i cant find a way to display it ie via a PFD setting. Its displaying that its a VOR, its frequency and the bearing but no distance info. GPS distance is displaying ok. Thanks Darren
  9. My GTN750 is working fine however..on the PFD the waypoint is not updating ie distance information etc is correct but the name dispayed is not rolling over. Other than that working fine.
  10. Thanks for finding that fix. I was getting CTD's on launching the TBM from out of the blue, traced it to the scenery and boom yep SCEL is crashing the TBM due to its name. Thanks for finding it!!
  11. Cheers for getting back to me mate. Been spending a fair bit of time in it great little aircraft. Cheers
  12. G'day, Great work on the SR-22 its outstanding. Im finding if i use the Livery Generator to change the tail number i then subsequently get a persistent unfixable ALT 2 failure. I have tried restarting both sim and PC to no avail, trying to fix it via the inbuilt maint menu etc. Elec diagram is showing zero output so its definitely failed. Any ideas if i have missed something very obvious?? A reinstall fixes the issue of the ALT 2 failed but as soon as i change the tail number its failed again. Applies to all liveries even if i only change the tail number on just one airframe. Ideas? Thanks again for the SR!
  13. Out of interest the TBM was working fine in 11.30B4 but in B5 mine is completely broken with torque and rpm issues. Its affecting Milviz stuff and carenado as well. Back to non beta for me...
  14. Thats what it appears like as explained it does the whole look of not having a license thn it reloads then unloads etc. Turned Terramax off for the moment..
  15. I have the sme issue reported in terramax forum. Continual reloads of default textures then back to terramax textures as if there is a security issue. This has only happened since installing the TBM and i have been using terramax since almost day 1. Cheers
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