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Everything posted by JGregory

  1. We did not model anything special regarding stalls. I assume what you are experiencing is stock X-Plane's handling of stalls. And yes, excessive ice will cause a stall. And…. even with ice protection on you are NOT guaranteed that you will not accumulate ICE and therefore stall the aircraft. Get out of the clouds/icing conditions or risk ice accumulation and the potential hazards that come with it.
  2. AJ, Many of the XP failures are tied into the Saab, but not all. Simply using Gizmo has nothing to do with whether or not failures will work, it's a matter of how the XP failures are implemented in the code. I don't believe the generator failures are tied in, per se.
  3. Everyone please keep in mind that AJ is the only one that I have seen report a problem of "slowing down". I know others have done some longer range flights without any issues. Keep in mind that everyone's system is different. A fair assessment can be made once the update is released.
  4. Are you using any hardware, ie. joystick, pedals, etc. ?
  5. Are you starting on grass? If so, try starting on a paved surface. The Saab is NOT meant for grass fields.
  6. This looks like a known issue… please search the forums. The soon-to-be-released patch should fix this. Also, please post your Log.txt file and your GizmoLog.txt file.
  7. The first and third pictures show the throttles at idle… silly question, but.. you are advancing the throttles, right? If so, does the prop rpm increase?
  8. No problem. Glad you got it worked out.
  9. I don't know what the problem could be. No one else has reported this. There is absolutely NO relationship between the throttles and ailerons in the Saab 340.
  10. Are you using any hardware? i.e.. yoke, joystick, etc. ? If so, please check your calibration(s).
  11. I'm not clear what you mean by this… "I can't get the numbers to show, pressing xpdr and code leaves all the squares blank except the last four." Can you post a screenshot?
  12. AJ, You are correct… the standard and expanded checklists do not have anything relating to the Main Inverter switch. But the Electrical Power-Up procedure does… here ya go... ElecPwrUp_Cklist.pdf
  13. What's even more amazing is that you think the Saab update is EXACTLY the same as the 747-8 patch and therefore should take the same amount of time to finish. Please tell me what highly sophisticated aircraft you have developed so I can feel better that you have any clue what you're talking about. Unbelievable.
  14. You're kidding right? Did you notice that you're picture contains two different aircraft, with the Corvalis "inside"the other! Not sure how you accomplished that, It may be that the AI traffic is screwed up … or… there is something wrong with your installation. I can assure you the Corvalis is exactly like the Cessna.
  15. That is a picture of the stock C400 that comes with X-Plane, not the payware version. The payware version should be installed in the X-Aviation folder.
  16. John, ALL controls in the Saab are located where they are in the actual aircraft. We have provided a user optional pop-up display so that you can adjust the heading and OBS from any camera (head) position.
  17. JGregory

    A/P Bug (?)

    The autopilot engage/disengage slider ... The yoke disco button... NOTE: These commands are easily found in the joystick/key assignment windows.
  18. JGregory

    A/P Bug (?)

    AJ, Just click on the AP disco button on the yoke and it will cancel the warning.
  19. SASL and Gizmo DO NOT CONFLICT. There was a known issue with XSB... you need to use the most current version.
  20. WRONG... how about your render settings?
  21. We are looking at other options. Can't make any promises as to if or when this will happen. During development we spoke to several Saab 340 pilots who all told us they almost never use the test panel, so we decided not to model it. At this point in time our decision has not changed. We have always said that we MAY do a "B" version in the future with an FMS. Again, we make no promises about if or when this will happen. The "A" model typically did NOT come with an FMS and that is how we modeled the aircraft. The mini-GPS feature in the Saab allows for RNAV capability.
  22. At this point I have no answer. This seems to be system related, not X-Plane or Saab related. We will keep looking into this.
  23. Yes, The DC3 requires the Gizmo plugin. Why do you want to remove Gizmo from your plugins folder?
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