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Everything posted by JGregory

  1. This tells us that Gizmo us running properly but the Saab scripts are NOT. It sounds like the installation was not done correctly. You should NOT unzip the installer inside the X-Plane folder. Unzip the installer on your desktop and run it from there.
  2. There is a custom command available in the Saab for the AP disco button on the control wheel. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's a "problem". Please choose your words carefully so as not to mislead potential customers.
  3. Not your fault, that is a bug! Thanks for reporting.
  4. Thanks for the clarification.
  5. Thanks for letting us know!
  6. Tomcat, Something tells me your ADF radio preferences file(s) are corrupted. I will send you replacement files via PM with instructions on how to install them.
  7. Unfortunately, that method has the potential to create a number of problems with the operation of the engines. For now, proceed at your own risk. However, as we cannot support this method of assignment, it will be blocked in a future update.
  8. The pump should turn on during gear retraction, but should also turn off shortly thereafter. It may also turn on at any time as the pressure falls in the accumulator(s) due to system usage or leakage.
  9. Ubbi, I would be interested in knowing exactly how you did that.
  10. I want to make sure that my esteemed colleagues have not jumped to conclusions. Are you saying that when you assign a "button" to a Saab command that the assignment "disappears" the next time you load the Saab or X-Plane? If so, that does not happen when using the standard button assignment feature under the X-Plane Joystick and Settings menu. I just tested it and it works as expected. I cannot speak for X-Assign as I do not have it. If X-Assign is not retaining the command assignments, you will need to check with the author as to why.
  11. Please post a screenshot of your ADF radios showing the frequencies when this error occurs.
  12. That is the sound of the radios being turned on. If you manually turn All the radios off, and toggle the avionics switches, you should not hear any beep. The hydraulic pump should not run continously. If you can describe what you were doing at the time (and recreate it), it would be very helpful.
  13. This is a known bug. The next update will fix this issue, and will be available VERY soon!
  14. OK, I have added some new commands to accommodate your request, as follows: - Altitude selector in 1000 foot increments up and down - Altitude selector in 100 foot increments up and down - HSI Course Sync for NAV1 - HSI Course sync for NAV2 These will be part of the next update (1.6), which should be out VERY soon.
  15. Yes. We are controlling the altitude setting to "force' the value to be in 100 ft increments. This is probably what is interfering with the commands. Let me check on this further and get back to you.
  16. There are two commands for the altitude ---> sim/autopilot/altitude_up and sim/autopilot/altitude_down. There are no separate command(s) for fine and coarse. To sync the heading you would use ---> sim/autopilot/heading_sync. There are no commands available to sync the course pointer.
  17. Yes, the alt selector is being controlled by the plugin to force the values to increment properly. We have added custom commands to allow you to set the latitude by assigning a keystroke or button.
  18. I cannot reproduce this. I have asked Cameron to reset your download links. I recommend that you re-install and then let us know how things are.
  19. Any PNG can be loaded
  20. Yes, unfortunately, all your problems are related to bad frame rates. Which texture set did you install for the Saab?
  21. A few other people have reported not being able to attain full power, and it has ALWAYS been because of not having the condition levers in the proper position, even though they thought they were. It wasn't supposed to. My response was in regard to your so called "performance" issues. Let's deal with that first.
  22. Sounds like you have the condition levers too far forward. Make sure the levers are in the last detent (MAX), and NOT past that.
  23. OK, so I set up the Corvallis at Ramp Start #5 at KAPA. Attached is a screenshot of the Corvallis showing the Nearest Airports on the PFD and the Map on the MFD. The Nearest Airports shows KAPA to be 0.5nm away, and the map shows approximately the same (at the 0.5nm ring). I have also attached a screenshot of the X-Plane Local Map. As you can see (circled in red) the distance from the airport is 0.5nm, exactly the same as what the Corvalis is calculating.
  24. I don't think there is anything wrong here. It would have helped to know where exactly you were parked at the airport (KAPA). The latitude and longitude of the location of the airport is where the distance is measured from. It is quite possible to be parked 0.5 miles away from that point. Airports are rather large If you want to verify this, in the X-Plane menus go to Location -> Local Map. Then click on the airport symbol on the map and in the upper right of your screen there will be data displayed, including the distance you are from that point. This should match the Corvallis map display as well as the Nearest Airport data on the Corvallis PFD. This is NOT a unique problem with the Corvalis. I checked the Corvallis at KAPA and it matched X-Plane's data exactly. I can't speak for other payer airplanes, but the all the stock aircraft should match the Corvalis. If you have a specific example with details, I will check it out.
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