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Scorpio47 last won the day on September 13 2022

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  1. Thank you for your reply, Ilias! Actually so far the XP11 version seems to work just fine for me :-) I sent a mail to Austin to ask if there was a possibility to bring back the Avanti as one of the default planes like in earlier versions, in particular because I found it listed on their website here: https://www.x-plane.com/aircraft/avanti/ His reply was that for the time being it was not part of the default group and was listed there by mistake, but that in a future update it might come back if he can find the "artists" needed. So we can still hope. Of course it would be nice if you find the necessary time, in particular with the imminent publication of P180 Avanti for FS2020 by FlightXP on 6 February. Their teaser looks very nice indeed.... Good success to you in whatever you do and all the best for you and yours. Cheers Juergen
  2. Hello Ilias, best wishes for the still new year 2025 and all the best for you and your loved ones. A bit more than 2 years ago you posted the information quoted above and I only wanted to check if there is still hope to get a XP12 compatiblle version of your excellent P180.... Thank you for letting the community know about any progress you made and good success in all you do! Cheers Juergen
  3. Copied it from backup..... Wlll redownload an install, that could well be the reason that it does not find the email Thank you! P.S: Have waited for result and that was it! Thank you! The new message now was
  4. When clicking the activate button I get this error. Tried a few times, email and password are correct! Same as to login here BTW What should I change and do? Thank you Regards Juergen
  5. Was this video ever posted? Would it be too much to ask you for a link? Thank you
  6. That is very kind and not a bad idea as it might help someone in the future for sure!
  7. Thank you, Pils, that is what I had understood as well, but for some reason the name for that state is not taken and nothing much happens (in XP12 at least...) That is why I asked for more detailed instructions DANKE und alles Gute! Jürgen Edit a few minutes later: It worked now! Thank you both Graeme and Pils
  8. Thank you Graeme, for this important hint. However I rather like to determine myself when to save a state rather then relying on the autosave feature so as to be able to start with that state in any future flight. Therefore my question is: Can I save a state BEFORE leaving the plane (and XP11/12 and how to do that? Thank you in advance already and take care. Cheers Juergen
  9. Any updates since we last spoke about 9 months ago? ;-)
  10. I also hope that you will the necessary time pretty soon. We all would love to use your outstanding version in XP12! THANK YOU and all the best to you and yours, Juergen
  11. The XPLM plugin is NOT a third party plugin, it is installed and apparently required by Laminar!!! I deleted it and the sim would refuse to start and demanded an update. That update reinstalled that plugin und 2 dll files. Any ideas? Thank you very much, Juergen
  12. I´ll swing by early next year... Happy New Year!
  13. Thank you very much, but unfortunately that VA seems to be inaccessible...
  14. Just to thank you again under my original name.... I had to create a new account to send my question and request here, but Scorpio and I are the same person. Enjoy this beautiful plane and many happy landings in it! P.S. I am sure Santa would exchange it without hesitation for his reindeer sledge
  15. Thank you, will check ist out
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