Hi Pils, I am not so sure about that, as other aircraft use FMOD too and do NOT lead to this long list of "Error(s) trying to allocate a channel". That seems to indicate that it IS perhaps a problem specific to the Challenger....
OK, nothing bad happens I guess, but nevertheless XP crashes when asked to quit and wants to send a report to Microsoft (who could not care less...).
As you can see from the message above, there seems to be a faulty path starting with "C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source......." that provokes those messages. Perhaps this can be corrected in the file "Master Bank.bank" which is the biggest in the fmod directory and probably holds that information which is clearly wrong. I would assume that no user has a directory on his C: drive with that name, haha.
Thanks for looking into this annoying error messages which are unique to the Challenger. If that helps to exclude our beloved plane, even better.
The question then is where this path information comes from.....
Kind regards
I found fmod also in the Carenado Turbo Commander 690B and the Phenom 300 by Aerobask and most likely some other planes. They do not generate that error....