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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Did you somehow get the impression the TBM takes over X-Plane's rendering engine and tells it how to do anti aliasing? Surely not, right? Do you say the same thing to the third party plugins whose dirty code is getting exposed? Just curious since you seem to be a programming genius.
  2. Configure a button for AP disconnect and move your joystick/yoke down!
  3. Descend!
  4. Not at the moment, no. You can use a button on your joystick for each brake should you need to.
  5. A rudder does not steer a Cirrus on the ground. They use a caster wheel system, which means your left and right breaks are used for turning.
  6. 50/50 chance of either!
  7. May not look correct. So, does it look correct when you load it?
  8. I'm on a Mac.
  9. It'll be going through a round of beta testing soon. We'll announce things accordingly.
  10. It's related to data syncing in the cockpit and not DRM. There is no sharing of data between the networked PC's.
  11. This would not be a very straight forward implementation (if even possible), primarily because the source for the FMS is coded in Gizmo/LUA.
  12. Sounds like this:
  13. I've never had anyone mention this Anti-Virus to me in 11 years.
  14. Your anti-virus is junk. Get rid of it. Avira seems to be deleting your TBM plugin after you re-activated the anti-virus. There's nothing further we can do to help you.
  15. Perhaps at a later date, but for now we have much bigger fish to fry than re-coding the call-out system!
  16. I do not find comparisons to other products any bit useful or meaningful. Programming methods, APIs, and the way in which things overall interact with the sim are different product to product. We don't have source to other developers' projects, and thus, it's just a baseless, honestly useless comparison that conveys a pure lack of knowledge on the customers' part that this is not apples to apples. That's the honest, blunt, to the point way of saying it. I'm not trying to be rude, just real. My honest pet peeve in the tech support side is literally the "no other aircraft" card. To me, it has nothing to do about competitive nature at all.
  17. Cameron

    SkyMaxx Pro v4.9.3 Update Released

    No need to uninstall. The new installer will take care of everything!
  18. People need to stop doing the "other aircraft" comparison. There is no apples to apples here.
  19. I personally do not use Windows, but considering most people have automatic updates on Win 10, I'm sure thousands of our current users are. I'd venture to say this has nothing to do with that. Again, try restarting your computer first, then go from there.
  20. Well, we're closer. Re-installing with the AV off did get the files necessary there, but it looks like your computer is struggling: G:\X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900/plugins/systems/win_x64/systems.xpl : Error Code = 1450 : Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-performance/how-to-resolve-error-1450-insufficient-system/ede7ec19-138a-4840-bf36-593e2b42b0d0 The above is someone with a similar problem in Windows. My first advice would be restarting your computer and trying again.
  21. Your log shows no systems plugin is present or even trying to be loaded. I suspect you have an antivirus that is running during the TBM install which has quarantined or blocked it from being installed, and this is the source of your issue.
  22. The issue you describe sounds like an activation issue. Can you please attach your Log.txt file from your X-Plane folder?
  23. We will release more details on this project later. I think you'll be very happy with the product.
  24. That would be you using an outdated installer.
  25. What are your Real Weather Connector settings? Also, keep in mind that weather METARs are updated every hour, with weather shown being one hour old. It is likely weather stations in that region are offline.
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