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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Cameron

    Project 3

    Sounds like Goran is forgetting... I have a setting for debug purposes active right now within the Saab code to keep FPS at around the 19 fps level. Should answer your question.
  2. Hi, All, Saab development has gone relatively well over the past few weeks. We have managed to get a lot of core code done with some very exciting features to mimic the real world AOM. This aircraft will definitely be a treat for all, and something that will enter into a more advanced era of aircraft development for X-Plane. We had an internal deadline of Feb 28th to get the core side of code completed and prepared for shipment. While we are quite happy with the product and what it has to offer, we also feel the need to finish up some testing and last minute conversion of code. When this is completed, we will update here with a release schedule. Our current internal discussions have led to a firm date in March for release. I will hold off on announcing that date just for the moment while we assess the performance of code and testing. Almost there, so brush up on those navigation skills!
  3. Hi, there, and "Welcome!" Why don't you shoot me a PM and we can talk a little more as to what you're interested in. You are MORE than welcome to post about anything X-Plane related here. Things that help to grow the community are always great! We have an advertisement system pretty near done. It is something I have worked more on in my spare time as well. The growth plans for X-Pilot are more full fledged than seen here and will cater to all in a very positive manner. Again, if you'd like to inquire about advertising slots we can most certainly talk more via PM. If you're interested in simply speaking about your products here and fearing you may step over some boundaries, fear not! Talk away! No need to remove this post or any subsequent others for that matter! You will find we are very different here when it comes to censorship. Blue Skies!
  4. Absolutely not.
  5. Gizmo handles OpenGL quite well...very well. You should be using it for rapid development anyhow.
  6. Complain to Austin. ...Or you could just do what everyone else does to avoid this...hit 'q' or 'e' in 3D mode to stop the mouse tracking in that instance of 3D view. Your pilot guide is irrelevant here considering Jim has thoroughly explained that what you have never seen was in fact seen by many incuding at the time of development of the C400 that this product was based on. He's provided ample proof of this.
  7. Did you make sure the filenames are the same? As in...did you ensure that when you re-saved the file into the new folder, that you did not RENAME the PNG file? The file name needs to be left the same as it was before you edited it (Or the same as the others you see in the livery folders).
  8. Hi, all, X-Pilot was down today for a few hours. The root cause was multiple errors being recorded at once, thus causing issues with one of the main PHP files that drives this website. It's very rare that this would happen (first time in years), however, to be cautious I have added in safety measures should this ever happen again. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused!
  9. Definitely recommended, Simon. Even with that box checked, DDS always seems to win. It's unmistakable, especially in large ortho areas.
  10. Hi, Gene, I've dealt with you a number of times on behind the scenes to know you're a kind hearted and well spirited individual, so I know you don't mean for ill intention here. With that said, G2XPL was removed at the request and pressure of Google because it violates many policies Google has. We do not condone asking for or distribution of this type of software, so please refrain from doing so here. I know your intentions are well, and I hate to rain on the parade. It's a fine line we walk, and I'll just be the gentle informer instead.
  11. Cameron


    Nope! Definitely not!
  12. Cameron


    Hi, Samen, Your IP address earlier was connected to a same IP that a spambot used. As such, the IP was placed in the ban list trigger pool. My guess is you do not have a static IP, and momentarily got caught up with an "unlucky" number? Regardless, I've removed the IP in question from the ban list pool just in case you get assigned it again by your ISP. Please let us know if you have any further issues!
  13. This topic has been moved to X-Pilot Features. [iurl]http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=1775.0[/iurl]
  14. This has been fixed. It's a forum administrator issue, and not user related.
  15. Why would anyone challenge you? Even we as developers have acknowledged it and have actively posted here in the public forums that the patch for all of those issues plus feature request changes are on the way... On another note... It's great to see Carenado making advancements on their lineup of aircraft. I think it's crucial to showing what X-Plane can do, and showing those that have doubts in the FS community that they are well...wrong. X-Plane is very capable. It's the lack of products that is the problem, so all of this is good! The more the merrier!
  16. Cameron

    Project 3

    How about we let Goran be productive with enhancements while waiting for programming to be completed that's not ready to ship?
  17. Cameron

    Project 3

    Missed a spot.
  18. Cameron

    No plugins?

    Impact, Can you please post a screenshot of the contents within your X-Plane/Resources/Plugins folder?
  19. Apologies, Don! A simple glance at your site would have suited me well before posting 'Dave'.
  20. I believe you hit the nail on the head there, Dave. Couldn't agree more!
  21. Thanks for sharing, Simon. Unlike RealScenery Enhanced, it also appears they didn't go through the effort to align all taxiways and runways. Good to know!
  22. Mac installers are standard .app files. They work just like an exe, but are Mac native and ship with our products.
  23. It will work like it always has in terms of seamless process. 99.99% of people won't experience an issue at all. 0.01% of users may experience an issue for some out of the ordinary setup they have at home, and might require further assistance from us. It doesn't mean that the products won't work in the end. We code this stuff to work with what the normal person would have. This allows us to streamline our tech support process. The MU-2 is old tech DRM. It works, but when hardware changes occur it's not as automated for a re-activation. Such is not the case for our more automated solutions like that of the Falco and Corvalis, and such a system will soon be moving over to the MU-2 as well, thus phasing out the old non-automated system.
  24. The automatic updater was shut down for EVERYONE....unless you're thinking of something else. All new releases of Gizmo now allow alteration of acf files. You have nothing to complain about it sounds like as of now.
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