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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Jack, unfortunately I disagree and think it's your mindset which is narrow. In reality we know very well the road map ahead, including features unannounced. This debate ends here. Further attempts to go at this will result in deleted posts and dismissal from this thread. The software is working as designed and intended.
  2. Steve, We are not actively seeking to block plugins. We will also not investigate them when they don't work. That's beyond the scope of our work, and obviously we don't want our product to be misportrayed around the Web with a mix of what we believe are inferior clouds. I'm sorry if this upsets you in any way. We don't have any plans to change course, as our road map ahead doesn't bring a valid reason why we should investigate further letting users play with this when running SkyMaxx. Sorry!
  3. SkyMaxx sets this to 1 for obvious reasons. What other scripts do is not something we plan to support, and we don't have immediate plans to intermix default clouds. Sorry! It primarily comes down to technicalities and the goal of the product line (RWC, clouds lighting up with landing lights, and smart performance techniques). None of these things intermix with default clouds appropriately.
  4. From what I remember, @sundog actually has the ability and code to do this, but our hardware is simply incapable of handling such stuff just yet.
  5. Windows probably installed at 125% though.
  6. I don't think any...looks to be photos of his screen from a phone or camera.
  7. Hello, all, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 3.2.1 update for SkyMaxx Pro. All customers who have purchased SkyMaxx Pro v3 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase SkyMaxx Pro v3 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 3.2.1 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original SkyMaxx Pro 3 download and re-download it. It will download as the latest version! There are some important fixes and requests implemented in this update. The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: Prevents crashes from RWC when unexpected tornadic activity remarks are encountered in METAR data Cleans up cloud shadows outside the edge of the cloud draw area More aggressively avoids stratus / cumulus cloud layer intersections with RWC Make sure cirrus, stratus, and cirrocumulus clouds in RWC don't change altitude as the local ground level changes. Fixes UI bug in RWC configuration dialog Subtle improvements to cloud lighting As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  8. Don't you have to have the steam version of X-Plane installed to even download these?
  9. You need to actually unzip the contents of the zip before running the installer. Read above. Huh? A Gizmo Log is in your X-Plane folder.
  10. Activation related issues are not handled on forums. Use the contact page at X-Aviation for assistance.
  11. You didn't really leave much for me to go by with that. What error?
  12. Captains, While the HotFix server is temporarily down, I have created a temporary installer solution which will update your current 737 to 1.0.7. Simply download and run the installer included in the zip. Click here to download. Thank you for your patience today as we worked through some things. Hopefully this helps to heal some of the waiting that's gone on!
  13. It's possible your 1.0.7 update did not install correctly.
  14. An official update on the situation here:
  15. EDIT: A temporary HotFix downloader is located here. Hi Folks, We had an unexpected situation which caused us to take down the server for analysis and re-configuring. Because this was not planned, it was very abrupt and we were unable to communicate this as a planned maintenance session. We are taking this downtime as a great opportunity to make some other updates on the HotFix system itself, so I don't have an exact time as to when this will be back online. That said, I am currently programming a new solution for everyone as a temporary "fix" so you may still update to 1.0.7. This will be out shortly today (USA time). Apologies for the experience, but sometimes things happen that don't always go as planned. We're on it though, and we appreciate all of you for your patience!
  16. Captains, X-Aviation and IXEG are pleased to provide you a free update to version 1.0.7 of the IXEG 737 Classic! Typically we don't make a habit of doing updates like this back to back, but due to an accidental transmission of slightly out of date files from the IXEG team to X-Aviation we are having to issue this "emergency" 1.0.7 HotFix. We do apologize for any inconvenience! Just like with our previous update, we will use the HotFix upgrade system here. Rather than going and re-downloading an entire aircraft package, or having to go through a full re-install process, we will be offering more immediate code changes through this delivery method. In short, it's quick, easy, and kind of fun! Please read below how to install this update! Version 1.0.6 was released yesterday and was pretty important. 1.0.7 retains everything 1.0.6 had in it, so no need to obtain 1.0.6 if you didn't previously apply the HotFix ID for it! But first, here's what's in it... Version 1.0.7 introduces the following fixes: Fix to "climb page soft crash" Fix to some DCT points disappearing on RTE page Fix to VNAV profiles going over the mach switchover altitude, where you would get UNABLE cruise message To upgrade your aircraft to version 1.0.7 please follow the below steps: Open X-Plane and the 737 Classic as your aircraft In the X-Plane menu bar at top, select Plugins > Gizmo64 > Windows > HotFix You will be asked to enter in your HotFix ID. Copy and paste in the following: e93aecd6f410a55e29965a43e2774142 Click 'Update' Once it has downloaded and installed, click 'Reboot' and you'll be done! Thank you for all of your support! Blue Skies, X-Aviation
  17. Folks, Again, if you have bug reports, do NOT post them in this thread. The bug reporting section of the forums is there for a reason! Your issue may not get addressed if you don't post in a better visible place.
  18. Thanks to you, too, for being a great customer! That's the point!
  19. Sorry, but you have a history here of loving to debate things. Zip files vs installer, location of a plugin vs others, where a product is installed vs others. I said it twice, I'll say it again: we're not doing this discussion. Your answer was here. It's not. It is a necessary for all of our products. Further attempt to derail and implore over something that will not change will result in your suspension from the topic. Let's please move along.
  20. Just stop. I gave you an answer. It's not changing. I'm absolutely disinterested in getting into a debate with a man who has a problem moving his mouse to a sub folder to select an aircraft. There ARE reasons for this. They ARE very valid. You are NOT the one providing support, and you do NOT have a clue as to why this is necessary. That is OKAY. And that's precisely why you're not the one programming this project or taking lead for us. Your lack of knowledge to the reasons and ways of how these things work is enough for me to not continue this discussion with you. It's an absolute waste of time.
  21. I'm sorry you feel this way. This will not be changing, and we won't be having debates about it. I'll leave my brief explanation below and that's all I'll have to say about it. While you may feel the aircraft works fine, it has potential not to. And, by moving it around you 100% guarantee yourself a miserable upgrade experience going forward. We are on the receiving end of thousands of customers, making our support situation even more miserable when things go wrong due to this. It was time we nip this habit.
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