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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. It seems as though you may potentially suffering from this:
  2. It looks more like ignorance on your part. I have just looked up your support ticket history. You have sent in a support ticket EVERY day since your initial one...sometimes twice a day. Do you just ignore all text that is presented to you on support web pages? The contact page specifically says: "Please do not send multiple e-mails or this will delay our response to you!" Immediately following you sending in a support ticket, a page with big red text is presented to you: "If you send multiple e-mails this will delay our response to you. Do not do this! Typical response time is 3 days or less." This one is on you, sir.
  3. Speak for yourself, dude. You just alienated the entire Linux platform. Congrats. But really, coming in here with your attitude towards Ben was not helpful either. I'd suggest you read things over a little better next time rather than jumping the gun. According to the post Ben referenced from you at the org, you have high objectives to stir the pot and purposefully fight. That's pretty low of you, and I don't understand how you can feel satisfied or comfortable with this type of provocation. Please don't come here with that objective next time, @mishaikin.
  4. Again, even with a reset download you will almost assuredly not be able to run the software in X-Plane at this time. Give us the time to truly fix this and we'll keep everyone informed.
  5. Ask JAR. It's not something in our control.
  6. There's plenty of topics on here about that very answer, but to be very specific: Time to train staff to support Linux The fact that Linux is 2-3% of a niche within a niche The costs to employ someone to develop for the platform and maintain it In other words, it's cost of investment vs. return. It just doesn't exist for Linux. We did it for years prior, and I don't really have much desire to go back. For our business it's simply an operating loss.
  7. We know how to port it. That's not really the crux of the issue at all!
  8. I don't foresee it, no. From the business side, for me at least, it just doesn't make sense. As a lifelong Mac user I can understand the pain of wanting software that isn't always available for your platform of choice. It stinks, but that's just reality.
  9. No offense, but your initial entry into this topic sucked.
  10. This is really quite weird. Somehow your computer is able to load all plugins without throwing errors, whereas on our own machines and all of our other customer machines we have seen, the software cannot run. I wonder what's going on here...
  11. I don't see how you possibly could. Please post your X-Plane log file to prove this.
  12. But that does not solve the actual software from working correctly in Sierra, which it doesn't. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...our products are not compatible in Sierra at this very moment.
  13. That's correct. We do not currently support Sierra at this moment.
  14. I think if your computer is struggling as much as it sounds then SkyMaxx Pro will not be the answer for you. We do not offer a demo.
  15. I would say these items are not likely in a 1.0.8 update.
  16. They are included with the airplane...
  17. It is a 3 day turnaround, often times less. With the weekend having just been here I would say three for this request.
  18. We'll just lock the topic and move along. Aside from more immature and potential personal attacks as shown by CRiley I don't think there's much more of anything constructive that can be added anyhow.
  19. This is simply a discussion. There's no need to make it dramatic! You have several posts in here that seem as such, including the initial one. It's okay to have multiple opinions. I don't think you're in any kind of position to be making a judgement call like this, and at this point you're just attempting to take pot shots. I don't even know what this means. I could care less to watch your every step. Maybe I clicked a button by accident on tapatalk or something while using the app, but you certainly don't interest me that much.
  20. Could be. Who knows. I wouldn't be shocked if we raise the price down the road. Therefore, your analysis of "money's worth" is completely subjective. The amount of people who write in to us to simply state it's the best product they own and it was worth the cash further prove this. It's no reason for us to be content and stop, but it also goes to show you're not the voice of everyone. I'm actually really shocked you just tried to compare Carenado to this. It's not even close to the same level of work that needs to go into this project, but even further, I don't agree with you. There are plenty of people complaining about the lack of updates and completeness with Carenado, including their G1000. Apple IS silent on their products, and they're staunchly against leaks and rumors to the point they go after people and even terminate them for such. Element of surprise is one of the things they try to rely heavily on, and it makes complete sense.
  21. I'd say that's grossly inaccurate. Systems were tackled first, and after 6 years it's way more than 60%. More like 85-90. This is not a 10 year project. You think wrong. PMDG was not a consideration or factor in the release of this product.
  22. The next update will be rather large unless major bugs creep out. There's no need to beg. The team remains dedicated to this project.
  23. Not really possible since I'm the only one who does resets. Perhaps a cache issue. That ticket was solved 20 days ago.
  24. I'm asking because I can't find any ticket from you at all.
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