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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. No! We have been in contact with Laminar very recently discussing this very subject, and it has no influence at all for this project.
  2. Hey Tim!, We are working on the Sierra support and are very close to a retail update! Sorry for any inconvenience!
  3. Download the latest Gizmo beta, install it and try again.
  4. Simply use the installers to reinstall on the new machine and activate as normal.
  5. There is a separate metal panel at the bottom of the area there to the left of the MCP which goes up at the angle. It is held in by screws. Yes, there is a gap. How ever so slightly exaggerated it may or may not be in real life I don't know, but it's there. Rather than having 3D vertices clashing/thrashing and flashing like crazy in your eyes, I would say a happy medium was found here. It can be a draw order issue. Enjoy the plane and all of it's awesome systems simulations instead.
  6. What? The website has not been down. This has also not been down. There's no need for this. Literally no demand. Is this some kind of joke? You shared one of our products. That's called piracy, dude. Don't come on here acting as the innocent party. You know exactly what happened and were informed of it. ------------- The process is simple. Submit a support ticket, don't flood our server with nonsense e-mails from your impatience, and you'll receive a reply quicker. It really is THAT simple. Topic closed.
  7. Is this in the installer or in X-Plane?
  8. You've already tried this topic before: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/10276-wingflex/ Topic closed.
  9. We actually did this in the v3 run with our beta test group. We thought it would be an excellent idea, but the feedback we received indicated otherwise, thus it never made it into retail.
  10. Sure, but my interest in convincing a young kid who relies on his parents money is not my interpretation of a good use of time. You need to remember a sub-section of our market consists of these younger guys with no money. It is these people who generally "pipe up". Such was the case in this thread. He's quite young. No problem!
  11. It's not plural. It was one person, and it was confronted. The post had next to little to do with this thread at all and was a deliberate attempt at provocation to another member in this topic. Not the place for it in a product announcement thread. Again, not plural. One guy, who has a clear history and I don't think many would disagree his posts didn't warrant such an action. They're still here for all to read and gain context. So what? No one is holding a gun to anyone's head. You have the option to buy the product or not. It's not as if this is all too uncommon a practice in ANY business arena. You either want to upgrade or you don't, and if you do, we're extending a very generous 50% off. I wish more companies would do this for other software I own. Read this thread in its entirety. You'll quickly find most people are more thankful than disgruntled. I don't see many issues here.
  12. Ben has done so much donating in his 10 years of time with me it's not even funny. The dude is more of a class act than you may realize. SMP2 was $0. Free. The guy that got banned from Blue Sky Star in this thread joins a very small list of people banned in the last eight years. If we censored his post would be gone..it's not. But, his type of behavior is repeated from a few months ago. It was time to administrate and not moderate this time.
  13. John, Do you have a support ticket number I can look at? We don't have any tickets in the system this old, so it may well be this is marked solved or awaiting a reply. You shouldn't need to purchase the same products again. We'll refund the additional purchase for you.
  14. Cameron

    Activation issue

    Our website is not down at all. Not sure what you mean, but activation help cannot be provided here.
  15. You have what looks to be some piracy to answer for.
  16. I wonder if airlines say the same thing when an aircraft goes into temporary maintenance.
  17. Guys, relax. You'll get plenty of evidence and videos prior to release to make your buying decisions. It's not your turn to turn up the criticism meter just yet.
  18. There's an element to a customer experience and service load associated to further complicating options in a product. Believe it or not, at some point it becomes an honest turn off for many. We have to strike the right balances for people like yourself, and then the rest. I believe Frank uses an iMac in those shots.
  19. We investigated that in the v3 run. The quick answer without technical reasoning is "no." I think it would be cool too.
  20. No, I'm telling you we added this "feature" to facilitate people from running their X-Plane settings insanely high compared to what their hardware could handle, thus they would post in here asking "why are my FPS crap?". Other than that, it's relatively useless if you're happy with how X-Plane is running. You're really not missing out on anything in terms of experiencing the product. It's a rabbit hole likely not worth continually pursuing for you. We don't advertise this or list it as a selling point anywhere. More of a convenience than anything.
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