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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Not at all. Glad you got it (somehow) sorted!
  2. Does it work for you with the default 737? Sounds like Zibo may have adjusted something from the norm.
  3. This is the same issue as outlined above. Laminar should hopefully have a fix in the next update for X-Plane.
  4. Fully functional. He explained it pretty clearly in the text you quoted.
  5. You're quoting an old post from Jan. This was already fixed.
  6. In the window that pops up you should see a button that says "update". Clicking this should refresh your license for the two new purchases.
  7. Hi there! Typically that mismatch error will occur when you have used an installer that is older than the current. Are you sure you're up to date on the installer?
  8. Did you purchase the Saab with a different account?
  9. Folks, This is not the place to attempt insults or even refunds. That type of thing is not to be handled here in the forums. I am confident this problem is not on our end given the sales numbers and lack of complaints. The only two I have ever heard are in this thread. Use the proper support channels, don't send in multiple emails as some tend to do, and you'll get reasonable responses. That ends this thread.
  10. There is quite a bit of documentation we included with this aircraft that will also answer these questions!
  11. You're the only person that's ever wrote in about it. I'd say that's pretty unique. I think we need to get off of that subject. You've mentioned it enough as it is, and thus far no other customers have this problem, so it's pretty believable. Perhaps an overzealous anti virus? I have no idea at this point...I'm shooting in the dark here.
  12. Did you have an install going and then choose to skip a component or something the first time you had a successful install? Can you share a screenshot of that folder you have backed up?
  13. It will not use weather conditions to determine snow or no snow. It determines based on plausibility of temperature, location and time of year. What is your definition of "everywhere in the world"?
  14. Now THAT is odd. The installed folder size should be anywhere 10-12 GB. The installer will not de-compress something less than a full file, so that begs the question of why you have such an incomplete folder (and would answer why you don't have textures loading in certain situations). Can you confirm that your hard drive where you keep X-Plane installed has the proper space available for a full install?
  15. You made a backup of the seasons xp folder? We might be able to work with that. Can you tell me the size of the folder, please?
  16. The downloaded files are not in a format that you can self de-compress, and if the installer fails to move from one component to the next that's because your internet has not downloaded the full data available to close the loop on the first component. Re-downloading after a successful install was likely not a wise move here. The installers will FAIL to install any kind of files at all if there is any corruption in the downloaded files. There are checksum processes along the way to avoid corruption. The files are all hosted on Amazon servers, so to assume they are "slow" would be false. Any kind of speed issues are going to be coming from your end, or something to do with your ISP network in the moment. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do on our end in a scenario like this, and I have not had a single customer contact me about a situation like this (I can only assume their internet gave no issues). I assume this is on a desktop? Do you have a laptop handy at all?
  17. Captains, Today we're excited to announce a new developer to the commercial market! HotStart is the name, and the first product will be a very detailed Socata TBM 900. This particular product will also be jointly created with Goran Matovina of Leading Edge Simulations for the 3D modeling portion. The goal for release time as it stands is early summer of this year, so the wait won't be too long and we'll continually post updates here to ensure you can keep up to date. The HotStart TBM 900 will be a high-fidelity simulation of the TBM 900 high-performance single-engine turboprop aircraft. The model features a persistence system and wear & tear on all aircraft components to simulate the experience of owning and caring for the aircraft. All simulation state is fully persisted across reloads, so performing proper shutdown and cleanup after a flight is imperative. Shortlist of features: Heavily multi-threaded systems architecture to leverage performance of modern CPUs with many cores. Flight model tuned to perform to within a few percent of the real aircraft in the normal flight envelope, including maximum and stall speeds, rate of climb, fuel burn, trim behavior and control feel. Full aircraft state persistence. Every switch, flight control position, fuel state and on-airport position is restored upon reload. Even between reloads, system resources change in real time. The engine and oil cools down slowly between flights, the battery drains, tires slowly deflate, etc. Fine-grained systems model, down to individual sub-components. The always-on failure system realistically responds to wear & tear and overstress for each sub-component based on individual load factors. Over-torque, over-temp, frequent starts, hard landings, operating in FOD-contaminated environments and many more all affect individual sub-component wear & tear and service life. Sub-component wear realistically reflects on aircraft performance. Worn engine parts reduce maximum available power, worn prop reduces top speed, worn tires result in worse grip during ground ops, etc. Aircraft maintenance manager to inspect and repair or replace any damaged sub-component. The maintenance manager tracks per-airframe operating expenses in a realistic manner to show the real cost of operating the aircraft. Airframe manager that allows you to operate multiple simulated airframes, each with their own independently tracked wear & tear, livery selections and custom registration marks applied. Airframes can be automatically synchronized between multiple machines over the network with just a few clicks. This automatically syncs up aircraft position, configuration and wear & tear to simulate multiple users sharing the same physical aircraft. See how your fellow pilots treated the aircraft by checking the maintenance manager and engine trend monitoring outputs. X-Plane 11 G1000 avionics stack with lots of customizations and overlays to simulate the special extensions in the real TBM900. This includes a custom EICAS, systems synoptic pages and special integration with the extra simulated systems such as the weather radar, TAS, electrics, etc. Fully custom electrical system. Simulation of all buses, switching behaviors and reconfigurations. Full circuit breaker system, integrated with the X-Plane failure system, so a failed or failing system can pop a breaker. Highly accurate PT6 engine model with realistic startup and operating behavior. Engine lag, secondary fuel flow, ITT evolution, response to auxiliary load and many more fine-grained behaviors. Custom prop governor, with all modes simulated, including electric auto-feather with negative torque sensing. Crew Alerting System integrated into the avionics stack with all annunciations, takeoff/landing inhibits, flight state filters and "corner cases" simulated. Environmental Control System integrated into the custom EICAS. Air conditioning and pressurization respond in real time to environmental factors such as ambient temperature, pressure, available engine bleed air, cabin temperature setting, cabin pressure vessel failures, etc. Custom TAWS-B ground proximity warning system with all annunciations modes, inhibits, real-time impact point prediction and terrain painting up on the MFD to ranges of 200NM. The TAWS-B uses the X-Plane terrain DSF data to construct its database, so it is always "up to date". GWX 70 weather radar with weather & ground modes and realistic radar return painting. Full simulation of radar beam energy dissipation, signal attenuation when passing through dense weather and vertical cell analysis modes. Terrain mapping accurately paints surface features, including recognizable peaks, valleys and lakes. Supports the X-Plane 11 default atmospheric model as well as xEnviro. GTS 820 Traffic Advisory System (TAS) with aural alerts + visual alerts, the TAS MFD page and compatibility with X-Plane default traffic, PilotEdge, Vatsim and IVAO. Full simulation of the ESI-2000 standby instrument, including all configuration pages, sensor failures, AHRS drift and "roll-over" during extreme maneuvers, realistic battery operation and real-time battery depletion, etc. Dynamic custom registration mark paiting on the fuselage and instrument panel with support for custom TrueType fonts, colors and positioning. This lets livery painters make a "generic" livery and each pilot apply their own custom registration mark with just the click of a button directly in the simulator. Liveries can specify a custom position and font to optimize the look. Custom sound engine with samples from the real aircraft and accurate modeling of individual engine states and sub-component noises such as fuel pumps, gear pumps, flap actuators, etc. Just to start, we're including some work in progress screenshots below. Remember, work in progress means things are continually being added, both in 3D and programming. Thanks for stopping by!
  18. Redpiper1 has created an awesome video showing off what TerraMaxx can do. Watch and enjoy below! You can purchase TerraMaxx by clicking here.
  19. You cannot start a flight with the Saab in a saved state. Far too much coding is in it to overwrite a lot of the X-Plane model.
  20. We know how to solve the problem and have for the next update. For now just follow as suggested
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