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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. SoundMaxx. The other issue you mentioned sounds like one of two things: 1. You have non alpha-numeric characters in a password (&, *, %, etc) and these are not supported. You'll have to change your password or 2. Your firewall is active and is being extra protective preventing proper transmission of information to the server. Best course of action here is to temporarily disable.
  2. Try utilizing the free stuffit expander app to unzip the file downloaded from our website.
  3. Ya, not sure what this is about. Pretty sure Ben made this as a Facebook post last year. Irma is long gone!
  4. Almost guaranteed to be from ProjectFly.
  5. These two are entirely customizable. Select a different sky color if you like. By default it uses the usually considered accurate Hosek-Wilkie sky model. We have gone back and forth with this over various versions. This one categorically goes under "cannot please everybody". When we have made them darker the majority of people write in their hatred for this change. This is the happy medium we have come up with. This is an X-Plane draw order issue. Nothing we can do about it for now. Default clouds have the same problem. Are you going across multiple DSF tile zones when this happens? X-Plane will force some re-draws when this happens. This is not something I've heard. @sundog will probably know more or be interested in this one.
  6. No holes. You are using 3D cockpit view to move around and the X-Plane rendering is inbetween showing one object and another. The clear marks are scratches on the glass. There is nothing wrong here.
  7. Still looks correct to me. An update was made and added new materials. Your first screenshots clearly show X-Plane is doing its job to make reflections or scratches show when necessary.
  8. We do not control any portion of camera views. You may want to revisit your field of view settings in sim rendering settings.
  9. Every post from you in this forum since beginning of time is about this subject, no matter which update it is. That's the end of that. First and final warning given your history of posts here. We post news when it's time to. You asking won't do a thing to progress that process forward.
  10. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.5.1 update for the Take Command! Saab 340A. All customers who have purchased the Saab 340A up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the Saab 340A from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.5.1 for you. This ends support of X-Plane 10 and means this update is ONLY FOR X-PLANE 11! What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original Saab 340A download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: X-Plane 10 no longer supported Steering tiller adjustments Stair animation fix Nosewheel deflection adjusted Control surface logic adjusted to prevent surfaces from randomly moving around Angle of yoke roll animation adjusted Changed rudder pedal logic and added toe brakes PBR glass has been adjusted Altitude select is now in increments of 100ft Changed door and parking break logic Adjusted oil pressure warning logic Adjusted avionics switch logic Fixed AIRAC info for Garmin 530 Fixed issue with warped textures on radios when texture compression turned off Added ability to assign both condition levers to one axis ("Prop"). As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  11. You have no access to statistics of sales data, let alone demand for anything. You are shooting darts in the dark with that statement. This is geared toward one specific aircraft, which you also have no sales information to. You are NOT in any way qualified to make these statements. They're simply assumptions.
  12. No offense, but it's a $9.95 add-on that doesn't claim to do anything more than what it says in the product description. You're in a major minority of "true nerd" with all you just said and won't even be close to the target market of this product. No disrespect intended, just being real. I think you need to think about that before posting things like this.
  13. Can you post both the Gizmo Log.txt and Log.txt so we can diagnose this for you?
  14. You're worrying about things you don't need to worry about. Everything is working normal.
  15. Cameron


    Believe it or not we post news when we have news. If you don't see news we don't have any.
  16. Wrong. There was less than 24 hours between e-mail #2 and #3, and just a little over 24 hours between e-mail #1 and #2. As I stated before, you sent three e-mails in three days. The text is quite clear, again, in saying "Please do not send multiple e-mails or this will delay our response to you!" Those are your own words. No one has said the words "annoying" or even "imbecile". You are making this up yourself. You have now been asked multiple times by Ben on which part of the words you did not understand. Each time you have come back with aggressive comments instead of feedback. That's the bottom line.
  17. I said more than just the bit about 3 days, didn't I? Read everything I said, please.
  18. You have sent three e-mails in three days. Direct from the contact page it states: "We will reply as soon as we are able and will endeavor to reply within 3 days, but usually quicker. Please do not send multiple e-mails or this will delay our response to you!" Regardless of that fact, I did provide you a response here.
  19. No news. When news is to be had it is posted.
  20. If you receive this kind of a message it means that in previous time you forever de-authorized a machine and typed the word "FREEZE" to confirm the action of doing so. The machine is thus locked and no longer usable in the activation system.
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