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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Did you ever read the article from the XP devs that basically stated if you are getting more than 25fps in X-Plane you're basically not using your computer to its potential? I'd re-evaluate your desire to want such high fps, Kerry.
  2. I believe FSGRW has the ability to re-load weather every few minutes, or once. The selection is user choice. Real Weather Connector scans files for updated METARS every 30 seconds. You're probably seeing FSGRW's constant injection playing games here.
  3. What's your point? I have a GTX 980ti. I didn't buy it thinking my FPS in X-Plane would stay at 100fps if I moved X-Plane's resolution settings to max; with or without SMP/RWC...would you? There's consequences to every action; in every game. Ever seen the crazy FPS hit when you move the cloud slider for default clouds? Trust me, I can uninstall SkyMaxx Pro and RWC and bring my FPS in X-Plane down to a crawl with NO third party items even on my card if I wanted to. This is called future proofing hardware. Sometimes this "argument" cracks me up. I hear about the stuff people at Laminar have to go through dealing with customers expecting crazy performance with the latest and greatest. Simply unrealistic! What you CAN do is find a happy medium and be more than satisfied with the results, especially with the high end cards! Start understanding your hardware and not having unrealistic expectations and you'll live a far happier life.
  4. No offense, but a GTX 770 is not a monster of a graphics card. It does the job...exactly as you're getting. Want better performance? Buy the nicer cards. This is why Nvidia creates so many levels of them! You couldn't run X-Plane itself on max settings with this card, so I'm not sure why you're calling this a not so good answer. Hardware is important!
  5. Well, yes. That's a factor of your video card, sir. Same consequence of upping rendering settings in X-Plane!
  6. It has been discussed, and it would be standalone if done. The chances of it, however, are pretty slim at this time.
  7. If you want to see more clouds ahead of you (assuming there even are any) you will need to increase the "cloud area covered" setting.
  8. Who the heck flies their jets at this altitude zoomed out to such a degree? I about blew myself up just listening to this guys logic and voice. It's awful. The clouds he used as an alternative showcase are awful and the information he provided people about "infinity" is inaccurate. I've no done MANY IFR jet flights (I do not fly GA aircraft). RWC has made it immensely convincing for me. I'd rather see your issue in your video. Maybe even your voice (kidding). His is just cringeworthy.
  9. That's your graphics driver timing out.
  10. Not just this issue. Speaking about another thread as well about SkyMaxx Pro. I have zero desire to engage in discussion with you. Perhaps if you had approached this situation better and "constructively" things would be different. Instead, you're out with words like: "it's an eye-candy, nothing more." with regards to SkyMaxx Pro v3 on another website. or "I'd say that it's RWC that shows some "general shape". Very general." or "It looks plain ugly." So, yes, excuse me while I call you out for your negativity as of late. Thankfully we have thousands of others not acting the same way you are, and if they have something constructive to say, they say it in a constructively positive manner. I've already answered you anyhow. You apparently don't like hearing that RWC is at version 1.0 and will of course get better. Such commitment has always been shown in the SkyMaxx Pro series. So, in your own constructive words: "Whatever."
  11. Nope. I remember you clearly from a post at another website. This particular issue is just "in addition to" another post(s) I have seen from you. Actually, I said this: "All of this said, Real Weather Connector is in its infancy at version 1.0, and as we've always shown, our commitment to the weather implementation is more than just surface level. SkyMaxx Pro is now in its third iteration (with many updates in-between). We have continued to better it over time, and Real World Connector will get the same treatment."
  12. I had one other guy come on support today with something similar. He found out he had plugin conflicts. The way to figure this out is to: 1. Remove (temporarily) all plugins from the resources/plugins folder EXCEPT for RealWeatherConnector, Plugin Admin, SilverLining, and Gizmo.64 2. Test now to see if things work correctly 3. Add plugins back one by one until you find the offender. See if an update exists for it.
  13. Best of luck on your exams, dude. Study hard, and play harder...just don't tell your parents.
  14. Not sure what to say. Antialiasing is a factor of your video card and Laminar. We don't render airplanes, so you'll need to probably contact Laminar if you want to discuss it further!
  15. I'd actually say that you're guessing when you make this statement. Just like X-Plane's default weather engine guesses and approximates. Precision is a matter of being...precise! Placing clouds more precisely where they are compared to approximating is very different. Just because you feel something is ugly does not mean it's not precise. For what it's worth, I think the Airbus series of aircraft are ugly, but sadly they're real. My opinion means nothing on their reality and shape. Keep in mind the X-Plane weather map screen is NOT a real weather radar depiction. It is the approximation of Laminar's algorithm to say "this probably looks something like this". I could take a pencil and draw a straight line on a piece of paper, but that would be my approximation. The ruler will keep my line precisely straight. SkyMaxx Pro has a high resolution grid, far more capable and precise than that of X-Plane's default weather engine. Add in the ability for five cloud types and double the cloud layers and it starts to not even be comparable, especially when you come across such areas of weather using things to the full potential! It's actually a selection of particle clouds attempting to create an overcast look and once you get far enough into it it will transition to solid or broken stratiform. This is covered in the manual, by the way. You should check it out if you haven't done so already to get a better understanding. X-Plane's own default system can make some rather awful scenes when things should be overcast if not enough cloud puffs are present (I was actually just witnessing this today...and I do mean AWFUL). All of this said, Real Weather Connector is in its infancy at version 1.0, and as we've always shown, our commitment to the weather implementation is more than just surface level. SkyMaxx Pro is now in its third iteration (with many updates in-between). We have continued to better it over time, and Real World Connector will get the same treatment. Sorry if you guys aren't pleased! That's too bad, but thanks for the criticism anyhow. Consider going out and getting some fresh air. I've read a few of both your guys' posts in various places in recent days, and the negative nancy side shines at times. You know it's bad when I interact with thousands of people over a couple of days during release times like this and a select few stick out in memory. It feels almost like you enjoy compulsively complaining or stirring, but reality is there's no need to be so mad at every little thing always. Try to see the positives in life too. We're not going anywhere, and neither is Real Weather Connector. Things will always improve. Just for grins I'll add this customer photo I saw on Facebook by Andreas Mueller. It looks pretty great, if I do say so myself. I, for one, am very excited about Real Weather Connector!
  16. Just looks like a matter of you needing to up your anti aliasing.
  17. I've seen quite a few posts from people showing god rays in use, so it's definitely working for others. What are your computer specs and driver version number for your GPU?
  18. Do the following: 1. Go to X-Plane/X-Aviation 2. Delet the Uninstall file for SkyMaxx Pro 3. Go to X-Plane/Resources/plugins/ 4. Delete the folder called SilverLining 5. Run the SkyMaxx Pro v3.1.1 installer again
  19. Sounds like a case of not reading the manual. You can use scroll wheel on the knobs you've listed as well.
  20. Version 2 did not have the ability to change coloration based on density like v3 does. Not sure what the relevance of this statement was at all.
  21. Don't be so quick to judge. Obviously something is amiss here, and there's no way you've spent quality time with RWC yet! To be clear, where are you trying this out at, and is this with which type of selection active in RWC?
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