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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Does this happen with every aircraft or only the 737?
  2. Define "most". No offense, but I suggest you choose your words a little wiser. I can guarantee you "most" of the community has not been criticizing this. Can you link me to even 10-15 unique peoples posts regarding this? Given our forum isn't even filled with such talk I don't agree with the assessment even a little. I'll leave the rest to Frank. As a certified meteorologist I would say his word will be the definitive one on this.
  3. Yes, this is fine. They work fine together.
  4. Captains, X-Aviation and IXEG are pleased to provide you a free upgrade to version 1.0.5 of the IXEG 737 Classic! Just like with our previous update, we will use the HotFix upgrade system here. Rather than going and re-downloading an entire aircraft package, or having to go through a full re-install process, we will be offering more immediate code changes through this delivery method. In short, it's quick, easy, and kind of fun! Please read below how to install this update! But first, here's what's in it... Version 1.0.5 introduces the following fixes: Fixed 12 individual cases of gizmo soft-crashing related to LNAV/VNAV Hardened the coroute loader against corrupted routes or invalid formats No more spamming prefs file to other aircrafts folders After capturing LOC only, single push of APP will now arm GS as well TAKEOFF REF page not prematurely changing to CLB page anymore Fixed another case of MCP speed going to M.84 after VNAV disconnect Stopped AP turning off the final approach course on LNAV in some cases Autobrakes should not disarm upon brake application when they are only armed No more sound of starter playing without air pressure Fixed wrong magnetic courses displayed on LEGS page LEGS page distance TO precision adjusted for distances over 9.9NM. Fix for ISA/DEV calculation when entering OAT on PERF INIT page. Fixed wrong magnetic bearing and radials displaying with FIX page symbology Display of terrain elevation should stay on map now in CTR MAP mode Fixed frame-rate drop when holding push-to-talk switch Smoother autothrust operation when in vertical speed AP mode To upgrade your aircraft to version 1.0.5 please follow the below steps: Open X-Plane and the 737 Classic as your aircraft In the X-Plane menu bar at top, select Plugins > Gizmo64 > Windows > HotFix You will be asked to enter in your HotFix ID. Copy and paste in the following: 795cbef4ceadcc7692727063afd8c4eb Click 'Update' Once it has downloaded and installed, click 'Reboot' and you'll be done! Thank you for all of your support! Blue Skies, X-Aviation
  5. This makes no sense. You realize this topic is about the CRJ-200 plane, right? There is no free CRJ-200 here.
  6. Where did you buy this plane?
  7. Can you please provide your order number from X-Aviation?
  8. I am running the exact same setup as you. No problems here. Obviously this isn't the place for support from AirFMC though. You'll need to contact the developer directly should you continue to have issues.
  9. It absolutely does work. I have been using it on both Mac/PC with an iPad Pro and iPad Mini as test beds.
  10. Please use the support section of the IXEG forums.
  11. That's at your own risk. We have had numerous people not get features working correctly with this setup for aircraft. I do not advise it.
  12. Do not do symbolic linking. Your aircraft scripts will have major problems with this.
  13. Read the post above the one you just made.
  14. The video used for reference is a more advanced cockpit and shows the B variant of the Saab 340. This is a different aircraft than the Saab 340A.
  15. Captains, X-Aviation and IXEG are pleased to provide you a free upgrade to version 1.0.4 of the IXEG 737 Classic! Just like with our previous update, we will use the HotFix upgrade system here. Rather than going and re-downloading an entire aircraft package, or having to go through a full re-install process, we will be offering more immediate code changes through this delivery method. In short, it's quick, easy, and kind of fun! Please read below how to install this update! But first, here's what's in it... Version 1.0.4 introduces the following fixes: Ability to save routes. RTE page 1 whenever the following exists: 1.) departure airport, arrival airport, at least one enroute waypoint Multiple fixes for LNAV routing Reduced ‘bends’ in short legs Fixed several route “kinks” AirFMC now supported (requires v1.3.1 of iOS app and v4.5.1 of the X-Plane plugin) Flight recorder switch cover moves switch back to normal Several fixes for various soft crash issues Cabin control initialized to 24000 for all situations Engine driven Hydraulic pump switches initialize to ON Various fixes for the sound engine / sounds IDENT page shows correct AIRAC dates Cruise page formatting fixes Fix for refueling of center tank with engines/APU off Pressing TAKEOFF> prompt on some pages doesn’t go to the CLIMB page now Gyro sound spins down properly now after shutting off battery Consistent fuel values on aircraft load now Auto brake DISARM light illuminates when auto brake disengages during RTO Fire bell sound fix Fix for startup engine sounds playing sometime when they shouldn’t Gross Weight updating on the approach page now CG can be set on TAKEOFF page to calculate takeoff trim To upgrade your aircraft to version 1.0.4 please follow the below steps: Open X-Plane and the 737 Classic as your aircraft In the X-Plane menu bar at top, select Plugins > Gizmo64 > Windows > HotFix You will be asked to enter in your HotFix ID. Copy and paste in the following: fddc499dc8a7531e7e4c9cf43716e12b Click 'Update' Once it has downloaded and installed, click 'Reboot' and you'll be done! Thank you for all of your support! Blue Skies, X-Aviation
  16. You will guarantee yourself headaches with licensing and updates. Just don't do it.
  17. On March 31, 2016 you elected to click a link and report that one of our Saab sale emails was spam. As such, you were automatically unsubscribed from the email system (by law we cannot continue sending you emails once a selection like this is made).
  18. Ben's reply was rather long, so I'm going to re-iterate for other readers... Not a bug. The real one doesn't have logo lights when winglets are retrofitted either.
  19. Both of these guys were taken care of days ago. You certainly are alone. That said, I see neither an original ticket from you or a new one. Send an e-mail directly to support@x-aviation.com
  20. After pasting in the key, just stick your cursor at the front and end of the key in the HotFix box, pressing delete one time on each end. See if no errant spaces are existing in X-Plane itself.
  21. Uh, wow! All along I've been agreeing with the issue being present and just having a discussion with you and possibilities. Nevermind the fact I can't even re-produce it after it happened, and if you even paid attention to my first post about this it's easy to deduce about 90% a corrupt driver. My favorite part of this conversation is how you tell me it's impossible for it to be driver related, you've been around for 30 years so I must not be as competent as you, but you want me to go fix it. Ooooooookaaay. Thanks for bringing your life advice into the grand finale though. I'll go get right on those guys who've worked endlessly for 6 years that they need to take more time away from the family today for you, Glen! Have mercy...
  22. For someone who's been around this stuff for 30+ years it strikes me as odd you aren't following along very well. I said nothing of hardware. Drivers are software. I said nothing of changing drivers. I said it's possible our software is corrupting the driver. The issues other people see are not even close to what you're describing. This is really no different than how other plugins have the ability to access memory and corrupt its state if accessing things in weird ways. Simply programming. Nothing to do with hardware.
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