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Everything posted by BMFlight

  1. The cabin doors aren't functional in version 1.1.
  2. You can still do manual holds for now like how it used to be...
  3. They already said that they will eventually release the -400 and -500 variants along with the cargo version(s).
  4. Looks very cool!
  5. That is strange... Would you mind posting your log?
  6. I noticed that the cruise speeds are pretty low up at cruise when VNAV is on. For example, flying at FL330 with a cost index of 35 has a cruise speed of .73. I could be wrong, but haven't noticed the speeds being this low before - usually at around .74 with a cost index of 28. I am running 1.0.3, and speeds seemed to be fine with the previous versions.
  7. I can confirm that changing the target cruise speed on the cruise page in the FMC causes the VNAV speed issue.
  8. I sometimes have this problem without even doing a turnaround.
  9. The 737's had their logo lights located on the wingtips of the wings.. The winglets take up the area where the logo lights should be.
  10. You probably have winglets enabled. They are not functional with the 737s with retrofitted winglets.
  11. Do not disengage the autopilot with the bar.. That will cause the flight directors to shut off, which is working as intended. Disengage it with the clickspot on the yoke or binding a key to your joystick.
  12. The problems you are having with the FMC other than the crashes have to be something you're doing because I, like most people, have been able to do tons of flights with the FMC... Can you explain a bit more on what is happening?
  13. That is exactly what happens to me too! Thanks for posting it!
  14. The progress page is still a WIP.
  15. Create a video which might help us identify what the problem is..
  16. I have had this happen to me too.. Did you try deleting the current speed/altitude restriction before that happening? That is what the problem is for me.
  17. Don't arm your spoilers.
  18. Very, very nice Morten. I don't know if someone has asked this before, but do you have a number of how many liveries will be shipped with the final product?
  19. There may be a topic on this in the General Discussions forum, but I am not 100% sure.
  20. No
  21. I have one thing to say. Just be patient. Talking about the release nonstop is not helping.
  22. This may have been asked already, but can all the doors be opened?
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