I just noticed something and was wondering if this is intended behaviour of the plane.
I was doing a normal flight from Baltimore to Austin planned FL 360. Everything went normal nothing unusal. During the climb i made an error however and set the cruising alt in mcp at 35400. This went unnoticed to me.
So i am cruising along and then i noticed that i am flying a little bit slow (.72) i look on the display and CRZ is displayed. So i go into the CRZ page and see that the crz speed should be .75, i change the value the fmc accepts it but nothing happens. Now i am really wondering and try to figure out what is wrong, i change the CI and the plane accelerates albeit not to the set speed. So now i am really looking what is wrong, i then click on the CLB page and see the speed constraint active. But when i look at the display above the engines it say CRZ. So i quickly realize that my ALT is not correctly, i change it the plane climbs to 36k and everything works perfect.
Now i know this was my error, but i found it confusing that the plane is adhering to the CLB page, allthough it displays the CRZ mode. Is this intentional ?