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Everything posted by Veace

  1. Why its not working for me? I have instaled it already 4 times still no run
  2. Love it !!! Waited so long for custom waypoints huge thanks to IXEG team!! Will we get soon as well runway in fix page? Thanks!
  3. My set of liveries for ixeg 737 1.3 View File I have updated my list of liveries with new engine texture Submitter Veace Submitted 05/24/2020 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I have updated my list of liveries with new engine texture
  5. Hi everyone! For does interested in engine paint kit for 1.3 you can find it in the link below I did some small adjustments for the nose cowl and as well for NML file
  6. ixeg 737 ENGINE paint kit for 1.3 View File Inside the paint kit file, I did some modification on the nose cowl and made it easy for does who want to do the repaint for engines I will upload as well updated liveries that I use in the sim for the engines texture Submitter Veace Submitted 05/24/2020 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Inside the paint kit file, I did some modification on the nose cowl and made it easy for does who want to do the repaint for engines I will upload as well updated liveries that I use in the sim for the engines texture
  8. Solved it ! I found the problem and if someone is using bitdefender this is the solution
  9. Hi ! Since I have installed bitdefender on my PC i still can't figure out a solution around the problem when I try to change some data into FMC waypoint into the flight. I am attaching a screenshot when I change data bitdefender in using a lot of my CPU and x-plane is freezing until I execute in FMC what I have just changed If anyone is using bitdefender and found a solution to this problem it will be much appreciated. I have no problem with other payed addons just with ixeg Thanks!
  10. And what is stopping you?
  11. Take all the time that you guys need. The iXEG project flies beautifully and I enjoy it a lot! For me personally whenever you ready i'm ready no rush. Quality takes time and I know that for iXEG team that's the main goal
  12. I have them too. when i change for example star in flight i get the same message
  13. I personally haven't ever got this kind of problem in any hotfix that was released
  14. I did practiced as well some GA and had the same problem. Good to know that we have a problem and solution is coming
  15. You've got a shift in horizontal resolution i've noticed. Can you try and run XP in window mode and do the same?
  16. Veace


    Check the bug with text on prog page
  17. Departing from EPWA Approaching LOWS On LOC/GS for RWY 15
  18. Done! BASE OVERLAYS.psd
  19. It is great that we can insert speeds but they don't get updated in legs page
  20. Hi ixeg! After flying this plane since release date i haven't had a problem inserting a route but with this release FMC is useless. Yesterday I have made a route from LSZH to EDDL with 1.05 with no problem but with this one I can't even insert my route in the FMC this was the route : ATC ROUTE: SID RWY 16 ZUE2R ZUE T125 ROMIR N851 VEDOK N851 LBU UQ163 ETASA Z724 KETEG Z3 ABUMO N850 GISEM Z505 ARPEG Z850 ADEMI T854 DOMUX DOMU2G STAR RWY 23L I will upload a video to show the problem i have encountered with FMC Check this one Tom Its still a small issue maybe you can fix it in next hotfix. Other than that it works now I have to do some manual inputs but works
  21. Ready to depart from EGLL to EIDW
  22. it is a 7z i will put a rar one for you
  23. Version Final


    Southwest Livery ready for grab It's not yet as I want it but its not bad either I will continue to work on it and make it better I think it's a cool good looking livery for our superb ixeg 737CL
  24. Southwest Illinois View File Southwest Livery ready for grab It's not yet as I want it but its not bad either I will continue to work on it and make it better I think it's a cool good looking livery for our superb ixeg 737CL Submitter Veace Submitted 06/04/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
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