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Everything posted by TimeTraveler

  1. Looks great as always with X-Aviation! Bring it on folks!
  2. Absolutely, positively, gorgeous! Where do I pay?
  3. Me2, looking forward to the update Handlebar mustachio next!
  4. With those bushy eyebrow windows [emoji102][emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Hmm. Don't think I've ever had a prob with vnav. Maybe coz I only use it on my descent from TOD? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Looks like a winner! Consider it sold! I was actually hoping it was ready so I could test out my new (super) build! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Great Job! Thanks for your work
  7. Thanks a BUNCH man! Nice
  8. Anyone interested in making a SWISS livery? (Or, did I miss it?) Thanks in advance
  9. I have a GSYNC monitor (Z-35 curved), and the control panel does not offer half refresh rate. nevertheless, the micro stutters I experience are minimum, so I can fly without too much distraction. An update eventually would help us all but no rush
  10. I had no problems, so it should all be good to go I'd imagine (I have a BIG imagination )
  11. Basically the same as my other post/bug but this time when I chose the PAUSE button to pause the sim.. Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  12. Had a successful flight from TUPJ-TNCM after upgrading to1.04 this morning. I then wanted to see replay of approach and landing and the C window popped up asking to press any key to continue. Could not end xplane as that black window kept popping up, so I closed xplane thru the task manager No, I did not check the box to do animations in replay mode (I remember that was an issue, not sure if thats been fixed-or did I miss that?) btw, rout save worked too! Attached files inc xplane log Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  13. Strange, I, too have the Stutter Syndrom back. Was nice while it lasted. Anyway, taking all plugs out and virtually everything possible other posters have done to eliminate this, despite my beefy system etc etc, the nagging stutter is doing it again. And like mrene stated above, high frame rates and while taxiing its more apparent. STILL...The ac is simply amazingly sophisticated and enjoyable
  14. Maybe I should have mentioned this awhile ago. JAR tow truck (i-TOW) was from the git-go giving problems and I just took it out and plainly forgot about it.
  15. okie dokie, I'll giver er a shot and get back to ya! Thanks
  16. Applied the recent hot fix update, did a beautiful flight from LFMN to LIRF, ILS landing and then to gate. Then a replay and at end of replay, CTD. No mention I can see in xplane log, however that too is attached here with the gizmo log. All in all, my flight was 99.9999 perfect, running from 40 to 77 fps 'cept for a few micro stutters It was great! HOPE THIS HELPS!!! PS...excellent update! Thanks for sticking to your word and for y'all hard work Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  17. Hmmm..maybe a sound console management or card issue. My sounds are working so far. I noticed a post where someone changed from 7.2 surround to 2.1 stereo and that worked. I, at one time had some issues a way back but fiddled and fiddled (Rome was still standing ) until it all came together. Good luck and hopefully some inspiration to help you find your problem.
  18. I understand there's a conflict with SOUND MAXX sounds plugin. So if ya have it, just take it out for now then restart xplane. The problem is posted here...
  19. That was IT! Totally smooth flight....not one micro or any other stutter issue...my flight LPPT-LPFR was Smooth As Silk. ANY time before changing that setting, always micro stutters...very small, not too distracting, but a real pain in the you know what. Here's my gizmo log for any forensics btw, I also unchecked xplane update notification on the theory if I give one permission to check my system, the problem may still be there, but who knows. Nevertheless, unchecking send data to xplane seems to have solved this little annoying problem Thank you Ubbi!!! GizmoLog.txt
  20. Ditto THAT! gonna try it now
  21. Didn't see Threaded optimization, Triple Buffering or Vertical sync represented there in your pic. They should be off (very important) if they're not. Try turning Gamma correction off as well.
  22. Hi Fozzy, definitely turn way down your cloud terrain blend in SMP in the lower right of control panel, to below 500 to begin with. Also, post your NVIDIA control panel settings... may help..some settings will kill frames. Take a screen shot of first settings, then scroll down and screen shot again. When I get back I'll look unless someone beats me to it lol....btw, in xplane settings, turn down cars
  23. heres a video...I'll post this also with a bug report unrelated to this . I agree with you too! http://youtu.be/7ReRk13wszY
  24. Adding my 2cents worth here...I, too have some micro stutters about every 2 to 3 seconds. Some so small they're hardly noticeable but do take away from the immersion. Like the poster said above, 'Not a JoyBreaker'
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