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Everything posted by MaidenFan

  1. No Problem Jack. I was just checking in.
  2. DAYS!!!! Cameron, Javier, Philip,etc., you guys are about to change X-Plane!!
  3. I havent seen any pictures for the last few days :'( :'(
  4. It should. I have a MacBook Pro like that and most planes run fine.
  5. I can't tell you guys how grateful I am that this thing is about to come out. All this time I thought it was on hold. Nothing can pay you back for the amount of work that was put into this aircraft.
  6. Im bouncing off of the wall
  7. I know... I guess people don't understand that XPFR's offerings aren't the norm. You want detail, you're gonna have to pay for it. Unfortunately, you have to wait until you're a senior citizen to see it released (Saab 340)... Well, you have to consider the amount of work that the developers of these aircraft put in. Look at the CRJ for example......it's been in production for over two years and there still a few things to finish up.
  8. I just got an accound with Navigraph
  9. I was just thinking that.
  10. The -200 looks better anyway
  11. This plane is going to change X-Plane. I foresee a lot od MSFS users migrating over.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd_0EYYtaOE&feature=related
  13. Awesome man. I can't wait to have a plane to try this on...
  14. Awesome. I finished knqwing off my fingernails so I guess it's time to go to the hands. hehe ;D ;D
  15. Cool. I'd love to go surfing!
  16. Awesome. That's something productive to look at while waiting.
  17. Ben did make a good point. Now that I think about it, they probably won't release a V9 version for Mac....
  18. How did you get to it?
  19. This project has been pushing us all to expand. Mesh, Textures, Systems Scripting and Gizmo have all been expanding and evolving in parallel. It's all coming together now as a very tidy package, it's pushed us all to work and think harder, we've covered a lot of ground and learnt lessons that apply directly to future projects especially regarding Systems Scripting. I find myself having finally matured Gizmo to the point where it's compelling to use, I don't get to use it much! A lot of the AOM-compliance stuff that Cameron has brought to fruition hasn't been done to this level in Gizmo alone by anyone else yet as far as I know. I still look at a 747 project with respect, but every day breaks it down into smaller more manageable pieces. Cool, hopefully projects will get easier and easier to do. Keep up the good work on Gizmo
  20. The manual, if I'm correct, is what's keeping the delay. It'll probably just come with the plane when it comes out.
  21. You shouldn't have any problems. You're processor is faster than mine and you have more RAM and I'm currently getting 35 to 40 fps everything maxed out. Awesome. I cant' wait!!!
  22. That's nice. I think I want to go there.
  23. What kind of framerates do you think I would get on a MacBook pro with two 256MB Video cards and 4GB of ram and a 2.66 GHz Intel Care 2 Duo? Either way, I'm getting it, but I was just wondering... Anyway, thanks again to all of you that made this project possible. And Javier.....I think the fingernail gnawing has already began!
  24. Sounds great, now I won't get depressed when I see anything that has to do with a CRJ.... Thanks Cameron, that was a great way to suppress all of the questions about it. This has been the number one plane I have wanted for the past year and a half. I can't believe it's this close to release already.
  25. I guess Cameron wasn't joking when he said there were developers doing some stealthy work.... Nicolas, you, my friend, are the fool now
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