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Everything posted by sundog

  1. On the few occasions where we've had users report this, it's turned out to be a hardware issue with their video card. If you can give us your log.txt file so we can see your system information, we can investigate further.
  2. It works with both. Basically all it does is add compatibility with SMP4.
  3. Issue fixed on my end. Will put together a patch shortly.
  4. I have a reliable way to reproduce this now. Working on it.
  5. Been fiddling with precipitation settings here for the past 10 minutes and still can't make it happen :/ This issue is our top priority; we'll keep trying. EDIT: Just got it to happen! Investigating...
  6. I don't think that "strip" is us; we don't render the sky, only the clouds. We've roughly tuned SMP4 to match X-Plane 11's visibility effects in pb2, but we believe this is going to be a moving target through the XP11 beta cycle. Once XP11 goes final, we'll see if we need to perfect that or not. We do intentionally draw clouds farther than the reported visibility, because the visibility at altitude is usually much higher than the visibility at the ground where it's reported.
  7. I wonder if some systems are having trouble with the higher-resolution textures included with SMP4. Try changing SMP's "crisp" setting to "fast". Does that help? If so, perhaps we should consider offering a "high performance texture pack" or something.
  8. We haven't fully validated SoundMaxx in XP11 yet, but an initial technical review suggests it should work. We haven't heard of any issues from customers either.
  9. We could, but then the clouds wouldn't blend properly with the distant haze. It wouldn't look natural to see clouds rendered out against mountains that are completely obscured.
  10. Just to reiterate, this is an issue with X-Plane 11, not SMP/RWC. Laminar has worked with us to reproduce the issue and I'd expect it to be addressed in a future beta of XP11.
  11. No, we don't have FSrealWX here. Pretty sure people are using it with RWC. In general, if it writes its own METAR.rwx files to X-Plane (like FSGRW,) use "automatic" mode. Otherwise you're probably best off with "always". Not sure if FSrealWX writes its own METAR.rwx but I think I've heard that it does. Hopefully others can chime in here.
  12. Please post your log.txt so we can try and find some commonality between the people seeing this. My advice above stands - try temporarily removing other add-ons and custom scenery as a test.
  13. Should be in your resources/plugin/silverlining folder (I think)
  14. Let's see your log.txt please. Something's placing unusual strain on your resources, I think. Most reports I'm seeing online are that performance is good with this release.
  15. I don't think you understood what I said. You're getting a more realistic depiction of weather in SMP4, and sometimes that results in more clouds. You can always turn down your cloud draw area if you need to reclaim performance. I don't know how you went about un-installing and installing SMP / RWC, but sounds like something went wrong in that process. Please open a support ticket with your log.txt; we'll need that to understand what happened.
  16. It's the cloud cover that affects performance, not fog. If you're using real-world weather, I think you're probably just in a situation where more clouds are overhead than you had before in SMP3. There are also some fixes in SMP4 specifically for foggy conditions, so it's very possible that you were missing an entire cloud layer that should have been there in SMP3. That would explain the performance difference.
  17. Whatever you changed may have pushed your system over the edge with memory usage. Try deleting your resources/plugins/silverlining/settings.dat file in order to get SMP back into its default settings, if you're having trouble starting back up.
  18. My money's on some conflict with your other add-ons that we need to isolate. Can you try removing them, along with your custom scenery, and see if that helps?
  19. Unrelated - it looks like you're still using RWC 1.0 with SMP4 - you need to update to RWC 1.1. Try running the X-Plane updater and re-installing SMP4. If that doesn't help, see if flying with a different aircraft, or in an area that does not have custom scenery, helps. That will help us narrow it down. (Both of you are flying the IXEG 737 and don't have much else in common - so a different aircraft would be the first thing I'd try.)
  20. Going through support tickets, the one other guy I know of who is seeing something similar cleared this up by fiddling with his anti-aliasing settings. Might be worth a shot. However, looking at your log, I would highly suspect some other plugin is messing with the graphics state of X-Plane 11. You have several add-ons installed, some of which are known to not advertise compatibility with X-Plane 11 yet (such as the IXEG). You've also got a few I've never heard of before. And you've got some custom scenery packages going on. My advice would be to remove all add-ons and scenery from your X-Plane installation that are not X-Plane 11-ready, and see if that helps.
  21. If you're still experiencing this, please post your METAR.rwx file. I think the issue's in there somehow.
  22. Check that your SMP settings are the same as before. We increased some of the defaults, so if you were running right on the edge of your VRAM that may be all it is. SMP4's higher resolution cloud textures may also place additional memory load on systems that are tight on resources, so you may need to work to get your total VRAM usage a bit lower.
  23. Are we comparing apples to apples in terms of weather conditions and your settings?
  24. This is indeed a bug in the X-Plane 11 beta. We filed a bug report during development. I've found that if you re-size the X-Plane window, it clears it up. I haven't actually noticed this happening myself while using X-Plane 11 pb2, so if you haven't updated to pb2 yet you should.
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