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  1. I'm usually not that guy, but in this case, don't get your hopes too high. The last progress update (no, not aircraft update, just an update on the update) was in July last year, and since then, the developer keeps radio silence. It's been almost two years since the Moo last got an update (May 2023); bugs long known (missing click spot etc.) never got fixed (or the fix never published). That's sad for a $60 add-on, but nothing we can do about.
  2. I'm observing a few smaller issues with persistence: While all covers, tie-downs and chocks are usually (re)stored as I left them, the engine plugs are systematically omitted Payload and fuel is a hit and miss, sometimes it's restored, sometimes it isn't (seems like it's stuck with a very old state which it reloads over and over again) Same goes for the headset; I always remove it after a flight, but there's a good chance it's back when reloading the aircraft Would be great if these could be fixed; e.g. by providing a menu "store this state", forcing to write the current state (if XPs shutdown process isn't reliably triggering the save state function or not leaving enough time for it to finish what it's supposed to do).
  3. When switching of the strobes, they go from flashing to constantly lit instead of constantly dark:
  4. As the title says, the NEAREST AIRPORTS list on the G1000 also shows helipads (zero runway length). Iirc the G1000 could be set up to filter airports with insufficient runway length. The shortest possible TO ground roll according to the POH (ISA -15, SL, 1100kg TOW) is 280m (919ft). The shorted possible landing distance (ground roll) under the same conditions is indicated with 255m (837ft). Maybe (and only if XP really supports this) it would make sense to filter out airfields with less than 250m of runway, or with a "margin of despair" anything with less than 200m.
  5. Just a minor visual thing, when turning the BARO selector knob (outer knob), the turn animation for the inner knob is triggered, and vice versa. It's just a visual thing, using the outer interaction zone correctly changes the baro setting, and the inner the course.
  6. The Windows installer doesn't launch from within the zip file. Just unpack the zip file somewhere on your disk (with its folder structure!), and the installer should work.
  7. The main tank indicator (and fuel test) only works when the main inverter is switched on. The outer and tip indicators work as soon as there's battery power.
  8. It's been a while... my Moo-venture continued; after a trip around Australia (including a short hop over to New Zealand), I finally reached Point Barrow, Alaska on October 31. Here's the complete route with all stops: The GC distance of the route legs add up to 22,215 NM, and the flight log shows a total block time of 101:38 h. Utqiagvik is a bit too cold for my liking in winter, so I saddled the Moo once more and started moving south, this time headed for Santa Fe, NM. So far I flew back to Fairbanks, and then on to Yakutat and Prince George. The FBO at Yakutat wins the price for the best slogan:
  9. Hi Tom, not on a Mac, this is on a Windows 11 machine.
  10. This one seems to be tricky to nail down. It doesn't happen regularly, but just once out of 10 X-Plane shutdowns with the MU-2 (which embeds the G500). I'm not even sure the crash condition comes from the g500 code itself, but the stack trace points to it, so maybe there's something which under certain circumstances can produce a CTD: 2023-11-24 20:40:41 OpenGPWS[xplane.c:344]: OpenGPWS disabling --=={This application has crashed!}==-- --=={FILE: D:\X-Plane 12\Log_ATC.txt}==-- 2023-11-24 20:40:41 OpenGPWS[xplane.c:348]: OpenGPWS disable complete 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[Main.cpp:131]: XPluginDisable 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[g500.cpp:109]: Disable G500 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[g500.cpp:111]: Disable Popup System 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[popupSystem.cpp:800]: Fini G500 MFD Bezelless 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[popupSystem.cpp:800]: Fini G500 PFD Bezelless 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[popupSystem.cpp:800]: Fini G500 Combined Bezel-less 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[popupSystem.cpp:800]: Fini G500 Combined 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[popupSystem.cpp:800]: Fini GDU620 (Heli) Combined 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[popupSystem.cpp:800]: Fini GDU620 (Heli) Combined Bezel-less 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[popupSystem.cpp:800]: Fini G500 Combined Bezel-less (G500 Hardware) 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[popupSystem.cpp:800]: Fini G620 (Heli) Combined Bezel-less (G500 Hardware) 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[g500.cpp:113]: Disable PFD 2023-11-24 20:40:41 G500[g500.cpp:115]: Disable MFD --=={UUID: 61a9851d-30aa-4e8e-91cf-808c4d1665fb}==-- (full log and crash report attached) telemetry_0.zip 61a9851d-30aa-4e8e-91cf-808c4d1665fb.zip Log.txt
  11. Ah, that would explain it - I installed the update and tried to load the DC-3 first. After the crash, I loaded XP with a different aircraft, entered the X-A credentials, and now I can load the DC-3.
  12. As the title says, I get a bizarre CTD with 2.0.3 - when loading the aircraft, X-Plane crashes, and I find this in the log: 2023-11-15 17:05:50 [LES DC3 Systems]: [dr.c:135]: assertion "dr->writable" failed: dataref "sim/flightmodel/weight/m_fuel_total" is not writable (dc3.c:153: &fuel_qty_total) --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: LES DC3v2}==-- AFAIR this data never was writable in any X-Plane version before; the writable one is sim/flightmodel/weight/m_fuel (array with 9 floats, one for each tank). Log.txt
  13. Well, this is what you sign up to when installing a beta. Laminar has always been transparent about this. You can't demand payware developers provide immediate updates for every beta Laminar tosses out. 12.0.8b1 has introduced a number of issues with a number of addon aircraft - some of them will likely need fixing on aircraft dev side, some will require Laminar to fix their beta code. Let's wait until 12.0.8 turns final, and then HS will be able to tell if they really have to update the Challenger, and if yes, what exactly they have to update. Anything else is just a waste of precious dev time by chasing a quick moving target.
  14. @Coop maybe it's an option to remove the FSE override in future versions, to avoid any confusion. The latest iteration of the FSEconomy client allows to exempt a specific aircraft model from loading fuel and/or payload, which is particularly useful for aircraft coming with their own W&B management. The only thing that needs to remain in place is that the following data refs read appropriate values: sim/aircraft/overflow/acf_tank_rat sim/aircraft/weight/acf_m_fuel_tot sim/flightmodel/weight/m_fuel sim/flightmodel/weight/m_fuel_total The FSEconomy client will need these to determine the fuel spill and fuel burn, but when automatic loading is switched off, it won't attempt to write them. If you need more details, just holler me (I'm the author and maintainer of the current FSE client).
    Thank you for this beautiful livery!
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