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Everything posted by nrhh

  1. So it is possible to move the crj to a 64 bit plugin once x-plane goes 64 bit?
  2. Very, very sad to see this happen. Well, I can understand that developers who put in much time and love into their work, dont want to see critical comments or that they think their work is not done justice in comparission to other developers work. But if you release products you have to face those circumstances - ever more so if you release payware. That said I own a lot of free and payware aircraft. Bought either from x-aviation or the .org or from the developer direct. And I have always found that your reviews were fair and objective and where in line to my peronal experience as CUSTOMER and USER with those aircraft you reviewed and which I own. I think the work you did with your reviews is/was a great contribution to the x-plane community, even though some developers may disagree for personal or business reasons. Remember that no developers offer trial versions so your reviews are a opportunity to get a informed and IMHO objective oppinion on the various payware offerings. So please, continue with your payware reviews. Regards,
  3. Can someone post more pics please - for those unable to attend?
  4. WOW!!! My first thought was that you posted a picture of a REAL Panel! Simply stunning!
  5. I havent´t written the review but since I have the A380 maybe I can comment on this: 1) A plugin is used but mostly for throttle logic and some indicators. Most systems are generics. That said, the level of systems integration is very good. While not all systems are functioning a lot has been done. Peter really stretched the envelope of what can be done with generics. Airbus PFD, ND, Thrust Logic and Thrust Indicators, Fuel and Electrical Systems, Engine Startup Logic, etc. are all working. Even the Airbus Autopilot Logic has been done pretty well. The most important thing thats missing though is a custom mcdu (fms), but at least it´s UFMC compatible. Whats missing either are some (not all) ECAM pages (as told on Peters Website). In a nutshell I think the complexity rivals other aircrafts that are using plugins (e.g. the x737). Will upcoming x-plane airliners have better systems modeling? Some of them probably yes, but then again none has been released yet. You definitely need to read the manual before you can start flying, so if you are looking for an aircraft for casual flying you might want to look elsewhere. 2) COCKPIT Night Lightning - i don´t have Nils BK117, but I have the Falco. I think the night lightning is on a comparable level IMHO. If you prefer one or the other is a personal choice - or in other words I think if you prefer 2D Pits you probably like the lightning on the A380 more if you prefer 3D pits it´s the other way round.
  6. nrhh

    Heinz 787

    Well yes, the interior textures on the sundowner are amazing, but don´t even think about running it if you don´t have at least a 512MB VRAM available - at least if you don´t want to lower your rendering settings. And even my 512MB Cards gets maxed out sometimes, when I use the Sundowner with highly detailed airport and photoscenery. So I think that Heinz might hit the "sweet spot" of the mass marked, since a lot of people don´t have up to date computer systems but want a quality airliner. Indeed it looks as if Heinz found a good compromise between features and performance - judging from your previews, obviously I can´t comment on the flight model or the systems modeling. But to be honest that might work in favour of the 787, too. While it looks as it won´t be a study sim, a lot of people don´t want to read through pages of manuals and checklists just to start the engines. And you also have to keep in mind that we fly our planes in single pilot operations, so a exact replica puts a lot of workload on one person since most real world airliners are intended to be flown by two or more persons.
  7. Morten, I don´t want to be rude neither do I want to attack you in a personal way. In fact I respect you for being a valuable member of the x-plane community and for bringing some wonderful planes to the x-plane world, so I´m sure this is going to be a exciting release. But may I ask what´s the point of mentioning a upcoming release, when you are not allowed to go into more detail? Isn´t it a bit to early to mention the release in public anyway when you are not allowed to talk about it in more detail? It´s like saying: "Look, I have wonderful news to you, but I won´t tell you before Winter." Regards,
  8. Great! Like the idea - so we can follow your progress.
  9. Hmmm, it´b been awhile since I posted in this thread. After reading through it, I´m quite surprised that nobody mentioned the A300/A310
  10. I know, you have the "no news is good news" mantra, but please give us something to look at. That would make waiting kinda easier for us impatient folks ;-) EADT did it with their x737 - they posted a "daily" (well, not always daily but at least a regular) screenshot of the upcoming release on their website. Maybe thats a good idea? It doesn´t have to be daily - a screenshot of the month would do
  11. That´s great news! Hope you guys will post some screenshots along the way. Would love to see the 747-8 one day, too - of course after the 742 and 744 are finished and you have finished sleeping Keep up the good work!
  12. Same here. I usually get Framerates in the low 30´ies, but sometimes Framerate drops to 19 fps. This happens randomly so this is difficult to reproduce. Reloading ACF and the problem is gone. And I agree, appart from the problem above - great plane! MacBook Pro 2.8, 4 GB, 512MB 9600M GT, Snow Leopard, X-Plane 9.45
  13. Oh man, how could I forget the DO-328 JET - that would be a dream!
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