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Everything posted by ixam500

  1. You might as well post this in the bug report section, the chance that the IXEG guys are gonna see it here is not that high!
  2. Maybe the FMC stuff is also software version related? Just a guess though.
  3. great to hear that! PS: Bean counter heisst soviel wie sparsamer Buchhalter im englischen, hast du etwa umgeschult?
  4. Are you guys gonna make custom models in the near future? Would be greatly appreciated!
  5. I think 3.) was already mentioned somewhere and they said the wanted to increase it a little bit, not sure though. Oh and for 1.)
  6. It has to be so, I think Jan explained that in another post already. So basically the Primary Altimeter gets some fancy computer calculations to correct the altitude, while the standby one doesn't (its just static) -> they can divert up to 400ft. Cheers,
  7. A pilot lives in a world of perfection, or not at all. -- Richard S. Drury, ‘My Secret War.’
  8. Are you engaging vnav while on the groud?
  9. LOL, I actually wanted to bring that example, since I pre-ordered it and it was literally unplayable for me for the first few months. I kind of understand it now, but just sayin, even if its not "early access", and taking the experience of the team, there were very little bug reports (for different bugs, eg one small navigraph-reading bug can cause a lot of damage), must be frustrating for some ppl though (especially the XPUPIC one) which I understand.
  10. A highly modern aircraft with a 6 display LCD-EFIS, FBW, sometimes some strange behaviour where the manufacturer doesn't know whats going on, and ofc a overhead where everything is set on auto and forgot about (if not, EICAS takes care) .
  11. A quick question: Is there any way to enter a FPA into the MCP, as you can do on the "beloved" Airbus?
  12. Well, I don`t really get your point here. If you look at it realistically, this plane is already the most EXTENSIVE for X-Plane and could easily be in the top-league of FSX. Furthermore, it has been released for 1 week, how should they "fix" every bug (its also impossible to bring a totally bug-free product on the market, as there is too many combinations of hardware, scenery, plug-ins and add-ons). Look at software released by big players in the industry, where they have 200 people working on a project with a way higher budget. IXEG are I think 5 or 6 people who are more or less "quereinsteiger". Of course, its not fully complete, but calling it a "Beta" is IMO degrading to the team and their efforta for the past 5 years. Cheers
  13. Perfect, thanks @Litjan Heute zuhause geblieben (wg Streik)?
  14. Hey guys, I just noticed that the FMC always seems to show a trim value of 4.8, no matter what the IXEG "loading" interface says. Is it supposed to be like that or just not an implemented feature? Thank you very much for this great aircraft btw, it really rocks!
  15. Hey guys, I have 2 quick questions regarding the 737s Autopilot system: 1. Will there be an option for the aircraft to have an ALT & SPD INTV (and functions)? 2. Will there be an option to change the autopilot panels design to the "older one" (with the padles to change between CMD and CWS) as seen on this picture and also to have (with this design) the small 2 switches besides the autopilot panel to select the NAV source (FMC or ANS-L/R) as seen here Im really looking forward to this Bird and hope to fly it myself as soon as possible!
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