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Everything posted by CapnDave
Thanks! I knew it was something simple.
It's probably my old guy eyes but I can't find the recall button anywhere. Thanks in advance for educating me.
Never mind. Installed this morning and everything worked just fine. Should have tried restarting my machine yesterday. Ahhhhh, nothing like brain farts from old guys!
Hi guys. Thanks for the update but it won't load for me. I tried it using both the Gizmo beta and the stable edition. No luck I get an error message on essentially every file it's trying to install. I'm not sure what log files I might need to send you for something like this. Please let me know and I'll send it along. Thanks! EDIT: I was just running the installer on my computer and not doing any of the updating through X-Plane.
So I restarted X-Plane and that seems to have done the trick. Ah, the wonders of modern technology!
I did not have the flight plan open, nor proc, nor anything else. I haven't seen this behavior with this or any other aircraft before.
I started a flight out of KFLG this morning. At the start of the flight the aircraft was centered in the MFD map view. However moving the aircraft had no effect on the centering. It remained on the starting spot. After takeoff this situation remained. I have the map's orientation set to aircraft heading, and it was rotating as turns were made. But it didn't take long to fly off the screen. I haven't changed anything from previous flights. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance for your help. Log file is attached. Log.txt
It's just the next step down using whatever key you assign to sim/engines/mixture_down.
I was also wondering about this. Does the actual G1000 work this way, to automatically switch to mach? I can understand that in a jet, but in a turboprop I would rather it showed knots for TAS. Aerobask just introduced this as an option in its Epic 1000 G1000 version, and I like it a lot. If it is not an option in the real thing I can understand leaving it like this for authenticity's sake. Any thoughts from the devs? Thanks!
Just finished a flight with the new release. Just as much fun as it ever was, no problems encountered. Thanks for fixing this great aircraft!
Any way you can release the 11.31 version, since many of us are on that version? In fact I am staying on 11.31 until I know for sure that this aircraft is stable on 11.32. I want to be able to fly the TBM (great fun to fly)!
And to confirm that I finished the flight with no problems (other than my aviating). I still look forward to the devs fixing this issue, but love the aircraft anyway.
I'm in the middle of a flight right now. As @briannippert suggested, I started by loading the default C172. I then loaded up the flight plan I wanted to fly in the TBM and closed X-Plane. Next I restarted XP and loaded up the TBM. After powering the aircraft up I checked to make sure the proper flight plan was in the G1000 (it was). Took off and in the air at FL300. I've loaded up the approach procedure for the destination without problem. It's a bit of a pain in the patoot to have to do it this way but worth it to be able to fly this wonderful bird.
The problem with a VNAV descent is that you can't often use it in the real world. Controllers can give you descent instructions that may be before or after the VNAV TOD point due to traffic or other considerations, so not using VNAV is what is called for. By the same token you will sometimes be given clearance to descend via a STAR, so VNAV is a good way to go. Mixing it up from time to time is what makes it interesting anyway. LOVE this bird by the way.
The IXEG and X-Plane 11 Topic [Merged]
CapnDave replied to danitabaires's topic in General Discussion
In Plane Maker open up the 733 and select Standard --> Engine Specs. In the left-hand column are the hi idle fuel adjustment and lo idle fuel adjustment. I changed these values to 1.11 and 1.06 respectively. I now have idle N1 of about 21% and N2 of about 66%. Give this a try and let us know how it works for you. Since your mileage may vary play around with the values until they are satisfactory on your system. Good luck! -
My congrats to the team as well. And Philipp, thanks for all you do for the X-Plane community.
- 411 replies
It was cold, about -5C IIRC. I just tried it again on a standard day (temp 15C, 29.92" hg) and the numbers were 44" MP and 2200 RPM. I'm not questioning the takeoff roll, although I worded it badly (sorry!). The aircraft seemed to perform about as expected in climb and cruise. All I'm wondering is if this is anything to be concerned about. If not, fine. The plane is still fun to fly. Just wondering, that's all. Thanks again for the quick response.
I haven't seen any other posts on this, so if I missed one I apologize in advance. The checklist says that MP should max at 45" and the RPM at 2700 for runup and takeoff. At sea level I only get 43.5" and 2100 RPM. I use a CH yoke and made sure that it was calibrated properly. Any other ideas? BTW it's not that I can't get it off the ground or anything. Takeoff roll is a little bit longer than I would expect, but climbout and cruise are fine. I just wonder if there are other things that might also be affected. Thanks!
Thanks, Ben and Goran. D'oh!!! Of course I was trying to fly on 32-bit because the compasses were reading backward on 64-bit. It looks like all that has been fixed. Thanks again for your patience with an old dude.
Here you go. Log.txt
No matter where I am in the cockpit and which direction I move the mouse nothing happens with the fuel switch. I tried reinstalling the aircraft but same result. Trying to start the plane up in this condition, with 3 hours of fuel loaded, I see that the fuel gauges show empty, with batteries on or off, and avionics on or off. Also the starter switch does not work at all. So there is definitely something weird going on, since I was able to fly it a couple of times before. Any ideas? [EDIT] I tried a flight starting at the 10-mile approach. The engines were running just fine although the fuel tanks once again showed as empty. Fuel pressure was fine, though, and I had full control of the bird. Still couldn't move the fuel selectors! I also checked and verified that I had all failures off. Hope this helps. [/EDIT]
Thanks for the quick reply Goran. I've tried adjusting the FOV to a number of settings and nothing seems to work. Where does this need to be to adjust the fuel selectors?
So what exactly is the POV setting needed? I can't move them at all. Thanks!