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  1. Hi, this is not a complete answer, but it may help you move forward. You can close the doors with the ground services menu which appears on the left of the screen when you move the mouse that way. The QUIT fault is a known problem and the current workaround is to force quit. Hopefully fixed soon. Selection of the requested XPlane main folder just helps X-Aviation install in the correct location. The IXEG B737 aircraft folder should install itself correctly in the X-Aviation folder in the aircraft folder.
  2. This might help: Start XP12, load IXEG, NAV1=101.09 (Ignore red colour in window, as suspected, just a reflection). Set both NAV to 115, quit XP12, start XP12, load IXEG, NAV1=101.09, NAV2=114.95 Set IXEG preferences to ready to fly, NAV1=101.09, NAV2= 113.90 Set IXEG preferences to cold and dark, NAV1=101.09, NAV2= 112.85 Set IXEG preferences to ready to fly, NAV1=101.09, NAV2= 111.80 Changing the IXEG preferences in this way reduces the NAV2 reading by 1.05 each time. (sorry, pics came up in reverse order)
  3. Here are my logs after a flight yesterday morning (Aust time) from YBBN to YPAD. I rarely fly any other aircraft, and not in XP12 for at least a couple of months. Another (small) aspect of this for me is that prior to setting NAV1 (from out of range 101.09), the left bit of the window is coloured red, at least from the angle of my camera setting. I will post a picture of this a bit later. As Stephan737 says, this is no biggie! Log.txt Log_ATC.txt
  4. For Stephan737, I have the same situation on NAV1 as you, so I will follow Litjan's advice. Just didn't want you thinking you are the only one
  5. This is fabulous news. Ready to buy. Thanks for the discount for long term owners of original.
  6. The FMC Index menu has an item that allows you to select a Navigraph series. It accesses the X-Plane mappings, so you will get the latest if subscribed to Navigraph, or a 2018 series (I think) if not. Just copy it to the scratch pad then key it into the active location. It took me a while to find it, but eventually I gave in and read the FMC instructions out of frustration
  7. Very impressive, good job everyone involved. I will tell my wife that I have found my Xmas present.
  8. Hi Fred, I can relate to that. I have owned the IXEG B737 since it was released, and it still "does it" for me.
  9. What I have explained above is the X-Aviation process. Other plane upgrades will be different. You may have to selectively hold stuff for some of those. All good now?
  10. The installer will delete all the old stuff first
  11. When you download from your account on X-Aviation, you download an installer. The installer will leave all your other goodies intact, so no problem.
  12. I have upgraded to 1.32 (thanks), but I get a message that GIZMO will expire in a couple of days. I thought that GIZMO was updated in 1.32 (?), or have I missed something (very possible).
  13. The Garmins in the Pocket Rocket, and the console instruments in the IXEG B737 are fogging up on me (see pics). Please spare an old man with limited knowledge any obvious sarcasm, but can someone explain why this is happening? I think that it is restricted to these two aircraft (thus the post here), but may be wider spread.
  14. Thanks for making the effort to explain current limitations. I do not pretend to understand a single word of it, but I do appreciate your desire to keep us informed. Cheers
  15. You are absolutely right, what was I thinking? When you fly just one plane almost all the time you forget the other players making it all work. All good now, I sorted it out, and as usual, it turned out to be a simple (read silly) error at my end. Thanks for the reminder. Cheers, Ian
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