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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Boeing 732 AirFrance First Flights in Bora Bora I hope you like
  2. great new aircraft of FlyJSim You can see another video of 732 in http://flightsworldwidevideos.com/2014/06/02/732-twinjet/
  3. Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon (by JCSAircraft)
  4. Here you can see a ranking of best fighters to X-Plane 10... http://flightsworldwidevideos.com/2014/05/26/best-fighers/ What do you think is the best?
  5. New North American B-25J v1.1 (STRAFER version) in bombs test over Vanuatu Islands
  6. C172RG CUTLASS II (by Alabeo) birdstrike landing on Ketchikan International (PAKT) (Final Frontier) (Alaska) (by Scenery4XP) I hope you like it
  7. I'm glad Yeah,I'm very happy with this cloud and weather engine and I use currently always... A great work of Maxx-XP
  8. Best helicopters for X-Plane 10
  9. Beechcraft Super King Air B200 in Mykonos (LGMK) (Greece)
  10. Air Traffic at Buffalo Niagara International Airport (KBUF) (New York State)
  11. Thanks for feedback!!. I have to test it more, but so far I'm enjoying it a lot this scenario, no doubt a great job
  12. great video and scenery!!
  13. Thanks!! I don't have yet enought time to test everything but in my first look is all as you say... yeah, I liked it pretty well in my first tests with enough details, houses, windmills, the airport is small but quite well done, landscapes and beaches seem quite realistics, I like but I have to try it more ...
  14. First flight in Mykonos (LGMK) (Greece) (by Aerosoft - Icarus Development Team). I hope you like
  15. Thanks!!
  16. no, there is a bit problem if so to record the videos the first is a bit more difficult than with other aircrafts to see if they fix it, for the rest is a great plane, you know ...
  17. Bell 407 First Flight in Sitka Rocky Guiterrez Airport (PASI) (Final Frontier v10.2) (Alaska) I hope you like
  18. great video!!
  19. Thanks!! yeah, it's a new great aircraft of Carenado
  20. B200 King Air landing in Juneau (PAJN) (Final Frontier) (Alaska) I hope you like
  21. Thanks!!
  22. Thanks!!
  23. Boeing 757 over Tahiti with XP 10.25 + SkyMaxx Pro I hope you enjoy
  24. Piper Seneca II takeoff from Espiritu Santo Airfield (Vanuatu Islands)
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