WINDOWS users only......when a RXP GTN plugin is present, you'll get a new option in the GUI.
Because RXP uses the same plugin for both the GTN 650 and 750....I have no way of knowing what products you have licensed...which is what controls what the RXP GTN plugin allows you to have. So you use the pull down to set your configuration. If you only own the 650...then select that...only the 750...or both, etc. The pull down simply controls the 3D layout of the radio panel.
In the video below....I also have the RXP GNS 430/530 installed....but because these don't require a differing panel layout, there is no GUI pull down for those. The GNS units are set up via a RXP *.ini file in the Moo folder, which will be included in the next if you have the RXP 430/530, those should just appear depending on your licensing I suspect.