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  1. WINDOWS users only......when a RXP GTN plugin is present, you'll get a new option in the GUI. Because RXP uses the same plugin for both the GTN 650 and 750....I have no way of knowing what products you have licensed...which is what controls what the RXP GTN plugin allows you to have. So you use the pull down to set your configuration. If you only own the 650...then select that...only the 750...or both, etc. The pull down simply controls the 3D layout of the radio panel. In the video below....I also have the RXP GNS 430/530 installed....but because these don't require a differing panel layout, there is no GUI pull down for those. The GNS units are set up via a RXP *.ini file in the Moo folder, which will be included in the next update...so if you have the RXP 430/530, those should just appear depending on your licensing I suspect. TK GTN_opt.mp4
    2 points
  2. As I'm approaching the abeam point I'm clean at 200 knots. Passing the landing threshold - flaps 20/180 knots. As the jet is about to capture the VPath is a good time to configure flaps 30 / 150 knots. As the path captures and you're heading downhill - get the gear down. As the jet turns final and rolls out the flaps are moving to 45 but I'm not slowing below 140 until rolling out on final - at which point I'd like to get to Vref + wind correction and be stabilized asap. We'll use a 3nm RX at our home field approaching from the downwind - but keep in mind this has you rolling out on final below 1000ft. Typical company SOP for visual approaches requires us to be stable no later than 500 above - so this compresses the profile quite a bit. 3nm wouldn't be something to leverage at FNT approaching from the north unless you were very familiar and conditions are right. Manage your risk appropriately, make good decisions, don't get too comfortable or become complacent and remember - it's your blind spots that will kill you. The 3nm RX is most typically used when we arrive relatively straight in.
    1 point
  3. Nice Glass (lucky Windows users)....something tells me there'll be a few 'GPS source" headaches to work through on this stuff. right now, its just get the things in place. TK
    1 point
  4. In relation the the final consideration point, re: schoolhouse recommendation of NAV/VNAV vs APPR/VNAV - i recall the explanation being one of consistency. Approaches flown to a DA with Pre-Select set to MA-ALT and VERT LABEL of GS/GS or GP/VGP = APPR. In comparison - when flown to an MDA on PATH/VPATH we'd select NAV. It's hard to remember the appropriate modes - so to keep it consistent = NAV/VNAV because the visual approach will go to your MDA of field elevation or zero and it will be via a VPATH. Old habits die hard. >15 years of APPR/VNAV makes it a hard habit to break. They both function identically.
    1 point
  5. View File Hotstart Challenger 650 OE-IPZ Hello everyone, here is the livery of the executive OE-IPZ. I would appreciate any comments to improve the work I do. Enjoy!!! Submitter FamousMUÑECA Submitted 03/10/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212
    1 point
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