Hi @Thebestofalltime117! I am not expert at this stuff and did not want to step on anyone's toes but a quick look at the attached log.txt suggested a couple of issues at least...
The is a problem with the video driver. I don't have any idea of what kind of video driver an integrated GPU uses but clearly there is a problem there that has nothing to do with XP or the TBM. Additionally, you have 12GB of RAM that is being shared between your CPU and GPU. That is not a good thing with an add-on like the TBM. Have you tried reducing the Texture setting a notch or two and seeing if the TBM will load completely? The CPU is also kind of slow. However, all things considered you probably should be able to run the TBM at low settings. How well I couldn't say. Again, the one item that stands out - and it's a big one - is the video driver issue. I would start there. Make sure the driver is up to date. Even if it is you may want to re-install it.