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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2018 in all areas

  1. Hello captains, I wanted to present you my Lua Script used as copilot in the 737. I wanted a very robust and simple solution, and so far the Lua script has proven to be reliable. While there is some limitations stated in the PDF manual I have written for you, it's a great help not to fly alone and have a very simple but efficient first officer ! All the best, and please let me speak about Speedy Copilot ! What it Speedy Copilot ? Speedy Copilot makes for you the steps normally done by the first officer and pilot monitoring, when you are pilot flying and captain of a Boeing 737. Speedy copilot is intended for the IXEG 737 (version 1.21 and above). It was tested and works with X-plane 11.20 and IXEG 1.21. It is not very realistic to do all the steps required in the procedures on your own. The Flight Crew Operating Manual makes a clear separation between actions from the left hand seat and the right hand seat. So we'd like to have the right hand actions (F/O, PM) done for us in reaction to the phase of flight and to left seat actions (CPT, PF). Several options exist to have a virtual copilot flying with you In X-Plane. But they might be technically complex, challenging to maintain, or require payware softwares. The intent was to provide a simple solution! We have made a transcript from the FCOM into a Lua script for the IXEG 737. We have made the transcription of the following procedures : Preflight procedure (triggered by the left hand side oxygen mask test) Before start (triggered by the beacon to ON) Before taxi (trigger by both engine generators to ON) Runway Entry procedure (including TCAS control, triggered by left outboard landing light) Take off run : gear and flaps retraction schedule (automatic trigger per rate and speed) Flight 100 and climbing items (automatic trigger per captain altitude) Flight 100 and descending items (automatic trigger per captain altitude) Approach, flaps extension schedule (automatic trigger per altitude and speed) Go around (reversion to Take Off procedure above) (automatic trigger at positive rate) After landing procedure (triggered by speedbrake down on ground) Apron entry (lights and doors) (triggered by runway turnoff lights OFF) Shutdown procedure until turn around state (beacon to OFF) The procedures are either manually triggered or automatically called. The Copilot is not calling the checklist. The copilot is doing the procedure. DOWNLOAD
    1 point
  2. Hello Captains! In some crevices of my free time, I'm pushing a few improvements for the upcoming Avanti update. As an example, there is now a fully working PREFS page on the PFD, where you can set the various V-speeds, which will be displayed next to speed tape (need some work here in graphical department), and also baro/radar altitude minimums. On the MFD, when FMS is selected as HSI source, then a PROGRESS-like page will be displayed, showing the previous waypoint with distance and time we passed it), then next 2 waypoints, with distances, ETE (time to reach the waypoint), and ETA (what time will be on the waypoint), and the final destination with distance, ETE, ETA, fuel quantity at landing, and gross weight at landing. Just keep in mind that currently those calculations are base on instant values (speed, fuel flow, etc), which might show some strange results (like during climb you might see negative fuel quantity because of high fuel flow on climb). I'm planning to implement a "typical" flight profile to have better prediction values, but I'm not sure if I will have it ready for the next update. Enjoy!
    1 point
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