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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Happy New Year to you too gmargodt! Very happy to hear that the aircraft brightens your day a bit! Over the years I've found that this hobby is a great way to escape from what reality throws at you sometimes, and I've seen it has helped other designer friends get through difficult personal times in the past. Hang in there, and and best wishes that 2018 will be a better year for you with more blue sky! M
    2 points
  2. Sort answer no. Longer one...You need to have Gizmo plugin for Linux. Was available few months ago, but now, due to the lack of interest from Linux users, Gizmo is not support Linux any more. If you have the plugin, then you can use wine to install the plane.
    1 point
  3. Now it is alright Thank you for the update and the fix !
    1 point
  4. Not as should work. Will engage the autothrottles (which is not realistic...I'm getting ready a report on that). You might use it if you want, but first make sure that you have entered in the FMC (VNAV) logical values for the Avanti, otherwise will try to accelerate to 300KIAS! You can use FLC or VS modes, and I have added an Altitude Intercept Arc in the MFD map, to show you where you are going to reach your target altitude, so you can adjust your rate of descent.
    1 point
  5. The best DFW scenery gets even better. Hi everyone. I'm pleased to announce a free major update to DFW that includes a whopping 30 improvements/fixes for issues reported to me by the community and that I noticed myself. Thank you to everyone who sent me messages/posted on my topics pointing out the various different issues. Here are the changes: All scenery elements are now correctly aligned with the ground layout New custom files for World Traffic v3 and updated files for X-Life v2.0 support LAHSO lights now stay on during the day and pulsate at the FAA-designated rate (1.72s ON, 0.46s OFF) Added missing MALSR approach lighting on Runway 31R Added missing taxiway centerline + edge lights and intermediate hold short markings on the aircraft overpasses Added missing apron lights on the underside of the Skylink tracks Added AutoGate marshallers to eligible gates/stands with no A-VDGS Added missing night lighting on the Skylink cars and tracks Added missing jet blast deflectors throughout the airport Added the three missing ramp towers Added the two missing radar towers with animated spinning dishes Added the missing American flag and American Airlines plaque at the Terminal A-C Connector Added the missing Maverick VOR/DME structure Added missing parking sheds north of Terminal E Added missing fuel tanks at well drilling sites throughout the airport Added wind-dependent ATC traffic flows to runways and one-way directionality to parallel taxi routes Added the service roads that run parallel to International Pkwy Fixed streetlights protruding through the aircraft overpasses Fixed Skylink track pillars protruding through PBBs and GSE Fixed visual artifacts on the aircraft overpasses Fixed default AI aircraft not using the airport Fixed color of high-pressure sodium apron lights and added an individual 'billboard' for each lamp housing Fixed PBBs not connected to the Terminal B Stinger Fixed position of RIDS displays for Gates B1-B3 Fixed flickering parts of the Skylink tracks Fixed visible seams between orthoimagery tiles Fixed sky visibility through translucent windows Fixed missing interior wall sections of Terminals A-C & E Fixed flickering interior wall sections of Terminal D Reduced the probability of incorrect airlines at Terminals D & E when using the MisterX static aircraft library New custom files for World Traffic v3: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/41898-world-traffic-v3-files-for-aerosofts-dallasfort-worth-intl-kdfw-scenery/ Updated files for X-Life v2.0: http://jardesign.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=15319 The update for both the X-Plane 10 and X-Plane 11 versions of the scenery has been pushed to Aerosoft today and should be released to customers soon. If you have any questions regarding the changes, please feel free to ask
    1 point
  6. Happy New Year to all of you. I enjoy the IXEG daily (I have a severe illness for almost 2 years). Thanks for making my painful days a bit easier. Cheers to all of you !
    1 point
  7. I would have loved to appear in the credits for the propellers models and discs Awesome works though
    1 point
  8. I too look forward to 1.21. I'm hoping the taxi and landing lights are going to be a little brighter. I recently purchased this plane and it's already my favorite. The excellent/ very realistic flight model makes it a real joy to fly for me. I couldn't believe how well CWS mode works. This plane is a marvel in my opinion.
    1 point
  9. Hello the Staff, I absolutely agree for the landing lights and the low impact on the runway !! More, I noted an bad value for the engines thrust ! Your value is for an B737 NG engines, like the 737-800 and not for the CFM56-3b2. Other issue: why the bypass ratio value is "blank" and the value for RPM 100% N1 too ? (please, could you too verify the weights and the SFC hight and low altitude). I read too in this forum, the issues for PAX doors...not usable. Today, the plane is flyable and pleasant but not "fully real". May be it will be better after the issues corrections. Happy New Year for everyone !! Windows 10/64 (1703) XP11-11 (last stable version)
    -1 points
  10. Some might find it entertaining, this joking about what week/year the next patch will be released. I personally am quite ticked off. Paid $75 for the -300, (25/04/16) got 2 friends to buy it as well. Most I ever paid for an add-on. And while the plane itself looks quite good and I feel right at home in it. (I fly it) The FMC is nowhere to being really useable. Adding fixes, restrictions, holdings.. Nothing works. So please get back to making this a $75 worth of add-on.
    -1 points
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