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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2017 in all areas

  1. Yes, we are running a complex fluid dynamic calculation. We are breaking the coffeeliquid apart into 50 million particles (I know, a gross simplification), all bound by cohesive forces, calculate Braunian molecular motion (depending on the coffee´s temperature), then apply adhesive forces (where the coffee touches the cup). Finally apply (varying with altitude and geographic location) earth gravitational force and aircraft motion´s force, and we get a fairly decent presentation of a moving liquid. This will only cost you 50 to 80% of available framerate, dependent on your computer. We thought about making the effect optional, but we strive for utmost realism, and this one you just can´t go without (even though you may think you can)! Enjoy the coffee! Jan
    5 points
  2. Sorry, I can´t comment on liveries showing Ryanair
    2 points
  3. The plane should "just work" with 11.10. The flight-model-changes are "opt in" - which means they won´t apply until the aircraft is re-saved in planemaker version 11.10. I can´t confirm any reports of navigation receivers or taxi-lights not working - nothing was changed in that regard between 11.05 and 11.10. That being said, we are finalizing patch 1.21 that will (among some more stability fixes and other small enhancements) bring new compatibility to take advantage of 11.10´s new features and also the reflective glass surfaces in the cockpit. Cheers, Jan
    2 points
  4. Can I keep the 733 in my X-P 11.05 and copy it into the new version of the X-P 11.10 with our any DRM violation? 33 views later with no reply made me think this has been asked before. Once I found the correct search word(s) I think I found my answer. I can have unlimited copies on the same computer.
    1 point
  5. And a little hint - look at the coffee liquid during turbulence...
    1 point
  6. Hi Thank you for your rude reply. You (Laminar) told me the same for Godrays and finally you admitted that by changing the spread of the “crepuscular-rays-depth” value in the "SilverLining.config" text file, we can avoid that Godrays appear in front of the plane. In your default settings, it is not realistic in most cases as very often the plane and Godrays intersect.. With the value I put, it's realistic in 99% of the situations. This is why I was assuming that we can also change the order of the lens flare... Sorry for assuming and asking! From now I will disable Lens Flare and add it in postproduction, at least there we can edit it and choose different types of lens flare at will.
    -1 points
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