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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2016 in all areas

  1. Let's call this day "Devil in the details" day Did you spot the difference?
    2 points
  2. Hello everyone! I've been a Mac user for over 7 years and will continue to be a big fan of apple products, but to run x-plane with great graphics at reasonable price tag PC is the way to go. I've been an IT service technician in the past for approximately 5 years and have built and tested lots of components and system configurations. This is what I have built for me for 1000 euro Specs Intel Core i5-6600 Skylake MSI H110I Pro, Socket-1151 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB ITX Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 2133MHz 16GB Cooler Master Elite 110 Mini-ITX B Kingston SSDNow V300 240GB 2.5" Corsair H55 Hydro Series CPU Corsair CX 500M, 500W PSU Logitech Wireless Desktop MK330 OS Windows 8.1 pro Im extreamly pleased with frames and graphics that i get from this built Frame rates are superb with MD80. Have read complains of users with pretty HIGH PC specs complaining of frame rates. For me its not the case Setup Cockpit FPS Outside view CPU&GPU temperature in full load I know that in a post I told Jan that I'm not interested in investing in a new hardware, but for the love of x-plane and IXEG 737 why not!
    1 point
  3. Set the MCP to the new target. Then change the CRZ ALT on the CRZ page, execute. Plane starts climbing (or descending). Jan
    1 point
  4. Along the lines of these sorts of cosmetic features, are there any plans to add engine condensation (you can see it on humid days, usually early in the morning and usually when the engines are throttled up to takeoff power), either before or after v1?
    1 point
  5. I'm probably going to sound like an idiot here, but how would you perform a step climb enroute without those buttons? I've always either used ALT INTV or "pressing in the knob", depending on the aircraft in question, and I'm unsure how to do so with the Honeywell MCP without the buttons.
    1 point
  6. That would be so cool, personally the -400 is my favourite 737
    1 point
  7. IL-62 somewhere North of Madrid Carenado C90B South of Bella Coola, British Columbia
    1 point
  8. Thank you A quick status: The plane finally getting into the state where all the functionality are there for a proper flight on any network and for any procedure. Now, I have to finish the remaining texturing - mostly on the side panels and add some UX features (hiding yokes, manipulators for gear and flaps handle, etc) So, overall it's really getting into a shape where it's really a fun to fly Sadly the next couple of weeks will be busy, so can't really work what I've planned. Hope it's not going to last too long and I can get back to business ASAP. A long delayed UV mapping for the Garmin and the WX radar - finally finished
    1 point
  9. I just wanted to give a high five and some kudos to the team that developed this beautiful plane. While a SAAB turboprop isn't the most sexy plane around, this implementation is beautiful. I love how nearly every switch works. It looks great, sounds great, and includes a lot of great documentation. I hope this sets a new standard of quality expectations for other vendors. Good job, I can't wait for your next release!
    1 point
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