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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2015 in all areas

  1. First of all I'd like to say what a superb aircraft this is. I put off buying this for sooooo long given the mixed reviews I've seen over time since it was released, but now I fly this almost exclusively (and also to a lesser extent FlyJSim /cough). Now onto what I've just discovered. I used the right hand EHSI to display the returns from the weather radar and quite a few of the dials in the cockpit decided that they too wanted a piece of the action. After I worked out that the PIC wasn't tripping his balls off I grabbed a screenshot. I'm not sure it's been reported before, but here it is in all it's glory. All update to the latest release version.
    1 point
  2. RFDS - Newcastle to Sydney CBD Appears through the haze... Lined Up Runway 25 YSSY
    1 point
  3. Flown Hamburg (EDDH) - Timisoara (LRTR) - Mykonos (LGMK) today on VATSIM. For the most part it was smooth, but before departing Timisoara i already noticed interesting weather conditions at Mykonos. Winds from the east at around 10-15 kts gusting up to 20-25 kts with clouds dangerously close to the MDA (Minimum Descent Altitude) for circling on VOR approach runway 34 (the one and only option under these circumstances). I opted to hand fly the VOR approach, here still in IMC conditions ... The runway appeared in front of me just 2 or 3 seconds before reaching MDA. Just when the 737 exited cumulus. Breaking off and joining right hand circuit for runway 16 (circling east of the field is prohibited anyway). It may be hard to believe, but the runway you can see in the background is only 1900 meters long... Truth is i flown the circuit too short and ended up not aligned properly with the runway. Again, there was no other option but to go around. Stayed in VMC and flown another circuit, slightly better this time. Short final runway 16: Turning around at the designated turning pad. Scary little airport i tell you
    1 point
  4. So,as you can see we are under a new name to this BIG project. The name changed because we are no longer using OSM as our main source,except for networks and fields. It's a new project,with the same target: modeling the part of israel in the best way we can. First of all the area that is covered: Yellow area- An area that's almost ready Red area- An area that will be included Black area- CVFR routes in the area Green area- Will be included in later releases Blue Area- ZL18 Photoreal Circles points- LandMarks that we modeled but din't place yet Blue airplane- LandMarks that are placed in thier postition "Clouds"- Planned LandMarks So what are we going to include: 1) Local LandClass of most of the networks and rivers 2) All the little airstrips and airfields in the area 3) Hand placed objects in every village/city/fileds : 3A. Fields will get some green houses for ex. 3B. Cities will get hand placed blocks and houses 3C. Villages will get some private houses. 4) Unique features of every city/village/field,for example : Tel Aviv is knows in the many huge trees that it have between that buildings,and that's a very improtant part of the look of tel aviv. 5) Full industrial areas,some will be modeled and some will be shaped as .FAC. 6) 100+ LandMarks,the list is growing every day A BIG THAN YOU to and fsx users that created some of the LandMarks that we converted- Tomer Haim,Israeli scenery project team,and Bar Rodoy 7) ZL18 Photoreal for the area in the map above & ZL15 for the rist of Israel 8) Custon building textures as an israeli style and as the area style particulary,and of course night textures. 9) CVFR Routes *Not decided yet* 10) Mesh fixes for the area,we are having some problems here that we hope to solve. Release- We ave no exact plane,and his an on going project,in every release this project will grow more and more,BUT soon we will release V0.8. So after this explenation,some pictures: Note that I have comressed textues optins checked in XP10 settings,I have a GTX 460 1GB so I really want to save VRAM In a modern hardaware the texutres will be sharper as you can UnCheck this setting. Tel Aviv night shot: Or yehuda on very shot final RW 12: Shoham on final RW30: And 2 more of Tel Aviv: So there is soooo much to expect here
    1 point
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