Imported business class models for a new Virtual Airline called Finnaviation. Fully enclosed suite, with reverse herringbone configuration, and a massive touchscreen 8) Enclosure made with sound proof materials. Installed on A321 International config, long range fleet :777-200LR, and A330-300 RR For your entertainment:
Just around my low-resolution experiment of Molokai. Niihau is next, I'll get some shots next... this was a beautiful flight, Molokai is different from all sides.
This was my longest X-Plane 10 flight ever! A whopping 12.5 hours! The flight was from KJFK New York to RJAA Tokyo Narita. Please enjoy the following screenshots with a little bit of commentary. Flying over the Bering Sea at 34,000 feet Another [attractive] picture of the ANA 77W 77W in landing configuration and final approach into Tokyo Narita Short Final on RWY 34L Touchdown! at Tokyo Narita. That concludes ANA flight 9. My only wish is a beautiful pay ware quality Narita Scenery!
God out for the final testing flight before packaging up Lanai and sending my baby out into the real world. I am very pleased with my work, personally. I even optimized the textures for flying at Gamma = 2.0 as oppose to my normal setting of 1.6 (I dunno, I'm weird).