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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi, Just wanted to "announce", that in the foreseeable future (coming weeks, as my time permits), a few additional UHD regions might come online: adding most of Northern Washington state (west of the already existing Montana UHD region)adding the Canadian Rockies (between 49N and 55N ... from the Pacific to the plains around Calgary - quite a big area )adding most of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden) - I know, someone will be very happy about this adding Pyrenees in EuropeAnd here is a teaser of the Mount Rainier at UHD res (taken in 10.40b5)
    3 points
  2. A short excursion with the Carenado A36 Bonanza in the Upper Rhine valley…
    3 points
  3. Sticking with my tradition of flying in X-Plane everywhere that I go in real life, I had to fly over Clearwater Lake in Wells Gray Provincial Park. Went on my first overnighter kayak this weekend with my girlfriend. The weather in X-Plane was set a LOT better than how it actually was - real life was more "raging thunder storms and extremely northerly wind" but I'd rather fly in nice weather.
    3 points
  4. Breaking News !!!! Caribbean Cruise passengers take bath at sea, sue LR for plausibility. LR claims no contest !!!!
    2 points
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