Sunday Beaver Update 26 Hello everybody, To the weekly Sunday Beaver Update. Again a very busy week for me, trying to iron out things that were discovered by the beta team. However, fortunately for me, not that many. Therefore, I was able to work on things that were not completely planned for the initial release. One of these things is how I planned to work with sound. Well, we all know that X-Plane standard sound is not the best thing one could have. So I thought about coding something in SASL, and I actually did until late last week. But I changed my approach and decided that I go the extra mile, even for the initial release, and that means that I am using DreamEngine for sound. Well, this is not something completely new for me and actually I was planning to use DreamEngine for months now. The reason why I considered SASL sound coding was that I didn't really have the time to get familiar with another piece of software. So I thought. I contacted Fred (the creator of DreamEgine) and told him about my thoughts and he jumped in and gave me a hand. That was awesome and I appreciate that a lot Fred! Well, now I find my way around and I am able to use all the sound files I have and that I quite a few. This is really adding to the immersion of flight when everything you operate has a sound. The doors, different switches, water rudder selector, parkbrake, flap pumping etc. I love it so far. May I love it myself? Yes, I guess I may... So yeah, I guess you will like it too... I lot had to happen behind the scenes though, because I had to code my own combustion engine plugin, so that I always know i which state the engine is. I also simulate my own propeller and engine "spool up" and "spool down". CHT and Oil Temperature simulation and the possible malfunctions, in case you abuse the engine, got their final treatment as well, and I will leave it like that for now. Then like last week, lots of minor stuff here and there to make it all work nicely. I wanted to show Floatplane Docking this week, and I even recored a video showing it and in this video you could also see for the first time the Beaver in its element. However, I am fighting with the screenrecorder tool so far, as the rendered video as an mp4 shows degraded quality and I don't like to present it to you. Well, I guess you would know that it is due to the video, but still. I hope I have something good within the next days and if I do, I will load it up to YouTube and post a link here. I am really eager to let you see the Beaver. So I do my best. Next week, I am going to speak about some plans I have with the Beaver. As I told you before, it won't be a release and maybe one or two bug fix updates. More about that next week.... I hope you all have a great Sunday! Pete