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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2015 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. Development Update I've received one or two emails recently asking me what's going on with W2XP, and when is the next version out :-), so here's an update of what I'm currently working on and I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts about this. One of the problems with W2XP's approach to scenery is the lack of regional artwork and the sheer huge number of objects required to give a region a unique look (Cities being virtually impossible). The solution to this problem I believe is to simply stop trying to find any old random building to fit in a building footprint, and instead use whatever data is available to create autogen (Using roads, existing buildings, landclass, etc). This gives the following advantages over the current approach: - Less artwork required to give a region a unique look. - Less requirement on detailed data. It will work with patchy data, as well as detailed data. Using whatever information it can and filling in the gaps. - Future support for remapping ground textures for those who don't use photoscenery - No need to recompile an entire scenery when new artwork is added. - Faster loading times and better FPS in cities. - Buildings that follow angled roads and face the road correctly. - Much more realistic looking villages (No more lego brick facades ruining the appearance) - Farms, industrial areas etc will work as before if the building data is available, as these generally look good using facades. - No need for smart exclusions. Of course, it has some disadvantages - Buildings won't fit exactly to the footprint on the ground, it will be very much an approximation. If you know an area very well and are looking for your house, you maybe disappointed. - If the data is bad, e.g. Someone has tagged a primary road stretching for many KMs as a residential road (this happens a lot), then there will be houses along this road where there aren't in real life. This can be solved somewhat by using third-party data (e.g. For Europe we have the corine landclass data, Norway has the kartverket data, etc..). Here are some screenshots taken around Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic showing how the buildings change. Central European Region German Villages European Cities Spanish Villages All models used have varied LOD information. Up close (if you fancy a drive around or low-and-slow in a heli), the buildings will be detailed. Further away, all the detail is not rendered to make it perform better. Because of the way the scenery works, it's possible to swap out individual blocks/buildings to regional varieties. e.g. Once some buildings for Norway are available, these can replace some of the generic European buildings. Additionally, in order to give cities some uniqueness, buildings over a certain size (or height) will still be rendered the old way. There are some other tricks it does, e.g. - It looks for names or areas/roads in cities/towns such as "Old Town/Altstadt/Stary Rynek" and will switch the building styles accordingly. Historic city centre areas will look historic. - It will use population tags if available to determine how big a city/town is and will adjust the size of the centre accordingly.
    4 points
  3. My first flight across the pond with the Jardesign A330. It went fairly well Zurich to Montreal (what else )
    1 point
  4. I'm absolutely speechless!! The JarDesign A330 is one of the most beautiful planes that i've ever flown in X Plane!! Currently on my way from Palma de Mallorca to Munich
    1 point
  5. All about United at Chicago!
    1 point
  6. This question is so refreshing you have NO idea. Yeah, it's Michael Wekerle's Porsche 918 Spyder, it was burned down in a fuel accident about a week after this photo, he got a new one a few months ago, in black.
    1 point
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