Forget it. Found it by more Googling. UPDATE: After getting down voted, I realized I should be more helpful and share what I learned and how I put it into practice: 1. After takeoff and reaching a suitable altitude (usually in the 500 ft route, partly because by then I can have the airplane somewhat stable), I tap the quick-view key I have setup for the center console and slide forward and momentarily hold the YD and AP tab switches. Once I know they are engaged (will stay in the forward position), I tap the W-key to get back to the normal cockpit view. Then I can automate whatever navigation help I need (heading or VOR, and climb) 2. On approach when I'm ready to take over, especially on a visual or non-precision approach, I click the A/P button on the left "handle" of the control yoke once, and then a second time. The first produces the aforementioned "chirping" or "calvary charge" alert, and the second click silences it, all while keeping the AP disengaged (in other aircraft I've flown, pressing a second time would re-engage the AP). Now, on to grasping the CTOT (fortunately lots of good resources on this forum)