TCW445T "THOMAS COOK" FOUR FOUR FIVE TANGO DEP: EDDH (Hamburg, Germany) DEST: EFTP (Tampere, Finland) LEVEL: FL370 ROUTE: LUB9B LUB P605 GESKA N851 RIKUM Y370 UXETI N850 INSOB L87 AMUPO AMUPO1C ABOUT THE FLIGHT Checking Hamburg, Tampere and Helsinki (alternate) METARs i instantly realised this isn't going to be a boring flight. First some crazy winds at Hamburg gusting up to 38 knots. Then a couple of weather avoiding actions late in the climb. Thundstorms inside the approach area to Tampere were just cherries on the cake. Life of a pilot isn't easy when a massive front covers most of the continent. Even if a virtual one Happy to be safely on the ground, i learned to avoid CBs more carefully in the future... P.S. Anyone else enjoy taxing 65 ton airliner around the airport?