Exit X-Plane.
Copy the Aircraft's folder, and re-name the copy something like "BAe Jetstream 32 - ARINC 424 GPS".
Run Plane-Maker (PM).
Go File --> Open.
Select the folder "BAe Jetstream 32 - ARINC 424 GPS".
Select the Jetstream32.acf inside that folder, select [Open Aircraft].
Once PM has loaded the JS32, select Standard --> Panel: 2-D.
On the right hand side under Hierarchy, find FMS_small.png, highlight it (so the name goes orange), then deleate it (by clicking the no entry icon).
Select the GNS430 on the panel (its should be highlighted in orange).
At the very bottom of the screen change the X value from 331.0 to 337.0 (as the default setting is slightly miss-aligned).
You should not have to change anything else if you followed the instructions (but just incase the settings for the GPS that I used are:
Zoom: 100%, Name: Garmin_430.png, X:337.0, Y:1628.0, Size: 4.00, Copilot [ ] that's un-ticked
Close the Panel editor by clicking the white arrow head top left.
Now go Standard --> Systems page, FMS/GPS section and select pilot use moderm ARINC424 capable.
Close the Systems page by clicking [x] on that page.
Go File --> Save.
Exit PM.
Start X-Plane, load the modified aircraft.
Go Fly!
Remember Backup by copying the Aircraft's folder first!!