Actually, ATTR_shiny_rat, though it still works, it is a deprecated feature. The modern method of making shiny parts of a model is by adding the text directive to the OBJ text file: GLOBAL_specular 1.0 The line above can be added to the header of the object file, just below the TEXTURE entries. What this line does though, is tell x-plane that the object also has either a normal map texture or a grayscale specular texture. So when using the above directive, you should also have in the object file header a directive like so: TEXTURE_NORMAL SomeTextureName_NML.png That directive will work for both RGB normal maps and grayscale specular maps. X-Plane will simply look at the image and if its grayscale only, then it will only affect shininess. If there is RGB information in the image, then that will affect the bump and the alpha channel will be used for the shininess/specular. A "grayscale image" is a very specific image type in Photoshop/GIMP...not just an image that is gray or has been desaturated so you have to explicitly set your image type to grayscale if you want to control shininess only. (and not bump also) Note that if you use a grayscale only image to control shininess, then that image should contain no alpha channel. This trips up lots of folks and leads to weird things. Once you have those two lines in the header of the object file, then you simply use the grayscale UV image to control shininess. white is fully shiny, black if fully dull and gray is "in the middle". Below is an example of a grayscale specular image used on the F4 phantom. You'll note the brightest color is essentailly a dark gray. Basically this means there is no shiny parts at all on the F4. The whiter the texture, the shinier the part. TomK