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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2014 in all areas

  1. Updating NZCH for XP10.30
    16 points
  2. PAF Alphajets training over France.
    3 points
  3. Finally got a chance to check out all the buzz my fellow R/W pilots friends are talking about, taking the B58 Baron with SMP & XPX .30b8 around the circuit; wow!! this is smooth as silk.
    3 points
  4. The first (technically fourth, but I only came up with the idea today) of my new adventure in X-Plane: A trip around Europe! This leg - Southampton (SOU/EGHI) to Hamburg (HAM/EDDH). Climbing out of EGHI - This is my first full flight with Skymaxx v2 since I've been on Holiday, and boy, it is Gorgeous! And leveling off over Heathrow, with extra beacon! Afraid I didn't take any more shots after this as it got dark, but there was only a mildly bumpy (and ever-so-slightly rainy) landing in Hamburg so a good start to the trip!
    3 points
  5. Don't put pressure on yourself to come up with something in weeks, then give up when you can't. It takes a L—O—N—G time to become proficient in all the skills. I was so appalled by my early work that I scrapped the Comet and started it again, from scratch … twice. If you're one of those people who enjoy the journey as much as getting there, then it's all part of the fun. I regret I sometimes go for a week without tuning in to read the forums, but when you have questions (and you will) please don't hesitate to ask. There are always some in the community who seem to take great pleasure slamming newbies, who might say: "There have been dozens of topics on this already!" and then not give an answer, but there are others who will always help if they can. Search, read, but above all experiment. Don't be afraid to try a new technique. Even if it leads up a blind alley, you will have learned a lot. Good luck! Guy.
    2 points
  6. And we should just let that stay behind us. He has changed so much for the better and we should keep encouraging him. (Referring to "him" to not hurt feelings and those who know, know, and those who don't, its not important)
    2 points
  7. Just a short test flight from Toronto to Montreal with the FF 757 in the new Air Canada Rouge livery i created But no matter how soft i land, the wings flap every time like a bird on touchdown
    2 points
  8. Super Moon over Toronto. Livingston Montana, heading south for Yellowstone. Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.
    2 points
  9. While we're on the topic of 737, let's take a look at it's older brother ... must refrain from taking screenshots!
    2 points
  10. Actually, ATTR_shiny_rat, though it still works, it is a deprecated feature. The modern method of making shiny parts of a model is by adding the text directive to the OBJ text file: GLOBAL_specular 1.0 The line above can be added to the header of the object file, just below the TEXTURE entries. What this line does though, is tell x-plane that the object also has either a normal map texture or a grayscale specular texture. So when using the above directive, you should also have in the object file header a directive like so: TEXTURE_NORMAL SomeTextureName_NML.png That directive will work for both RGB normal maps and grayscale specular maps. X-Plane will simply look at the image and if its grayscale only, then it will only affect shininess. If there is RGB information in the image, then that will affect the bump and the alpha channel will be used for the shininess/specular. A "grayscale image" is a very specific image type in Photoshop/GIMP...not just an image that is gray or has been desaturated so you have to explicitly set your image type to grayscale if you want to control shininess only. (and not bump also) Note that if you use a grayscale only image to control shininess, then that image should contain no alpha channel. This trips up lots of folks and leads to weird things. Once you have those two lines in the header of the object file, then you simply use the grayscale UV image to control shininess. white is fully shiny, black if fully dull and gray is "in the middle". Below is an example of a grayscale specular image used on the F4 phantom. You'll note the brightest color is essentailly a dark gray. Basically this means there is no shiny parts at all on the F4. The whiter the texture, the shinier the part. TomK
    1 point
  11. ...Those who understood the joke have already chuckled.
    1 point
  12. I've seen this error before, and it happens when something is clipped incorrectly, i.e. An object has had nodes removed which it needs, e.g. A road might have been removed, but a forest might share nodes with the road and still reference them. I believe you need to pass this into osmosis, but I can't remember what the command was, something like "clipIncomplete".
    1 point
  13. Slowly port them to dropbox, or some other cloud storage service, or perhaps take your macs for repairs (unless your warranty is voided)
    1 point
  14. First of all welcome to X Plane Could you please describe more precisely what your problems are? What do you mean with "lack of scenery", no airports? Only water? No buildings on the airports? How are you "unable" to get around in X Plane? Is the Sim lagging or do you not know the commands for navigating around?
    1 point
  15. Eurocopter AS350 performing air patrol over Paris, France.
    1 point
  16. Dassault Falcon 7X approaching Paris, France.
    1 point
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