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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2014 in all areas

  1. Landed at LJPZ, parked and waiting for executives from North Korea (jks) Will be re-releasing LJPZ for v9 and release LJPZ for v10
    4 points
  2. I'm in the process or creating a tool which will add buildings, obstacles and forests from OpenStreetMaps. I know there is already a tool called OSM2XP existing, but it has a couple of problems and development seems to have stalled on it for the time being. The tool presently supports the following: Multipolygon buildings (buildings with holes) are supported. This makes a big difference in cities.Multipolygon forests and relations are supported. Lots of forests (especially in Europe) are grouped together in OSM into relations, and OSM2XP couldn't find these, which made large areas in Europe where there are forests empty.Complex Rules supported. Example, you can specify that a building with a particular set of tags, and area or height should use a particular facade. This means you can also place obstacles not only based on their tag, but also on their height and other information.If a building has colour information, the tool will generate a facade for it with the exact colour of the wall and roof specified. This all depends on the information in OSM of course, but in some major cities, it's really well done, and people have started to add this information.Resume support, so if you are generating a large scenery area. You can stop the program, try it out, and continue the generation later for other tiles.The program is still in alpha and is currently command-line only, however it's already generating some good scenery. These shots below show a run I did in Berlin: I'm not intending for the program to compete with OSM2XP, as I'm designing it for scenery developers who understand the options and aren't scared of config files and the command-line. Of course, if anyone is willing to create a GUI for it, I'd be happy for the help :-)
    3 points
  3. I purchased the Q400 myself today. Not the easiest to land but not the hardest, from what I've seen so far
    3 points
  4. Once again on the FJS Dash8-Q400. This time from Quebec city to Mont Tremblant in wintery and windy weather. Not much vision during the approach
    3 points
  5. This scenery is BEAUTIFUL !
    1 point
  6. Thanx<br /><br /><br />Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Sunday Beaver Update 8 Hi everybody, Update Time and again no new pictures today. However, I hope I post a few before the next Sunday update. OK, what was going on this week.... A few things for the 3D model are and were still outstanding, but this will be no longer the case, hopefully by the end of the week. First thing was the prop texture and the the other was the pilot model. The prop texture is in place and the pilot is work in progress. So this is what I hope I can show during the next week. Other than that, I am going through cockpit and cabin animations again, because I had to restrucutre quite a bit, due to the support of external hardware. If the 3D is finished, two more liveries will be worked on and then all will be frozen. Then I will focus on the remaining technical part and I am looking forward to fully dive into it again. Stay tuned...even if you get bored by this update ...better than nothing, isn't it?
    1 point
  8. Thanks John! Notice all screens are enhanced by Skymaxx Pro ;-) I believe that there is so much potential in OSM data, that it's crazy not to try and best use it as much as possible.
    1 point
  9. Hmmm, I do not know why you said that John..... BUT in this case you are on your own.
    1 point
  10. I tried to do them and they don't look very good, Sorry
    1 point
  11. Whether you like it or not, Thanx Aerosoft and anyone else who takes the time to give something for free.
    1 point
  12. Let me assume something: Within the limits of law, you can't sell something what isn't either yours, or you don't own permission or have a certain contract with the owner. That's how german laws are like and Aerosoft is a german company. The problem with AWG might be, that they use LR own shaders and modify them in order to realize different rendering and performance of cloud puffs and lighting effects. I guess Laminar has never approved it (or officially wanted to support it in some kind) and AWG was unable to develop their product on a commercial basis. However the work on the sky-themes, halo effects and clouds was something Aerosoft had seen worthy to invest in. They bought the rights (give the dev the money for the time he invested on this project) from the dev to use all created files for their own projects. Aerosoft is a publisher of FlightSim products and they fight the market as all other publisher do. Releasing something as "freeware" (which was intended as payware) might look like a "wow" effect to their customers, and at the end giving Aerosoft more than they might loose. That's marketing folks... Nothing more. Regading the quality of the product. Have a look on the shots attached, which come from my sim... Everybody is free to decide. I like Skymaxx and Skytools as well. They are totally different products and are hardly comparable..
    1 point
  13. Quite the opposite, one of the best investments I've made yet in simming. And I pride myself on being a picky bugger. No it doesn't. Apart from the first comparison pic of real clouds and AWG clouds, all the other pics look barely better than default, or basically the same as default. I am interested in their sky colours, but their clouds can't touch SMP's. I only wish there was a way I could invoice you for the collective five minutes or so of my life I've wasted with your insanity on these forums.
    -1 points
  14. Well, I was just banned from that website, because I lied or so say. lol
    -1 points
  15. Interesting, I just checked and one of my posts at Aerosoft on the subject was deleted. Maybe they don't like the negative press eh ?
    -1 points
  16. I am still confused on how someone can sell the rights to something they never owned.
    -1 points
  17. "Sky Tools was developed by AWG Simulations as a commercial product but we decided to buy the full rights from them and to send it out as a free gift to the X-Plane users." - Aerosoft I look at this statement and laugh as this stuff was all free to being with. I think they were sucked into this kid's BS.
    -1 points
  18. Quite possibly. Either way it's absolutely no substutute for SMP. It'll go south as this is not a serious addon.
    -1 points
  19. If it was so great there would be a price tag on it. Reality is, it's probably so bad they COULDN't sell it!
    -1 points
  20. It was already free to begin with........
    -1 points
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