Dear friends, Icarus Development Team is introducing our aircraft under development: Legendary IDT DC-9! "The DC-9 is one of the most legendary airliners ever built. It was designed for frequent and short flights, for millitary and civil opperations. Accommodating from 90 to 135 passengers, was the workhorse for many airlines worldwide". Some of the features of the aircraft: - Realistic flight model, accurate flight behaviour and systems according the original technical manuals - Plug-in driven systems - HD resolution realistic textures - Full operational 3D cockpit - Hundreds of animations - Many liveries The first release will be about the DC-9-30 variant, since it's the most widely used. There will be feature upgrades that will include more variations (like the -40, used mostly by SAS), plus the military version (known as C-9). Here are some first views of the aircraft: