According to their description, they aim for eye-candy and shallow system depth, the exterior models are one of the best I have seen so far, with ultra high definition textures. Because I do not have the plane I cannot speak for the flightmodel however I have heard that the performance and movements are realistic. You cannot compare a 777 to an ATR, that's like comparing Laminar Research to Microsoft...completely off. BUT! The 777 has many flaws in its modelling, such as the wheels are modelled to big and high as well the gears belong in the ER not LR version, the engine modelling is highly inaccurate, and the wingflex looks really strange, the cockpit is better though but still looked somewhat cartoonish. I have more but I will stop so that people won't bash on me The CRJ still is a great jet, with 3d modelling and system both realistically developed, same goes with the Carenado planes however (I think) they are converted so it is in a slightly different category...