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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2012 in all areas

  1. Some Misc Shots of whats going on in Santa's Workshop this month: - CK.
    1 point
  2. A few more shots of the Saab 340A! If you missed the last set and want to see more, go here. As usual, all images are a work in progress. Enjoy!
    1 point
  3. What didn't work specifically? Thats good. that means the MIc works, XSB is setup correctly for push-to-talk, and that it will transmit actual voice (rather than static). This is the crux of the problem. What do you *think* you need to do? What are you expecting to happen? How do you think it should all work? (Im interested in your response, because I think that everything is actually working, it's just that your expectation as to what should happen may need some education here). - CK. Hints: Did you tune your COM1 radio? Do you see a list of Active Controllers on your Screen/Who's Online Window? Can you voice-hear other air traffic in the area where there is an active controller? Have you EVER gotten voice to work in VATSIM, or is this your very first attempt to use Voice?
    1 point
  4. We are very looking forward to release. Me, a former Saab pilot, and her a current Saab pilot. I like her paint job better than my old one.
    1 point
  5. Yep they do. I do a trick in WED to split 1 tile into 4 smaller tiles all the time. While retaining their relative positions within the grid. Allows me to take 1 tile at 4k x 4k and make 4 tiles at 2k x 2k. Thus I don't lose any resolution nor have to down sample the ortho texture. It s a neat trick, and yields great results. Still have to do some image processing in the background to make it all fit properly, but it's a straightforward operation.
    1 point
  6. It was raining at LICJ (Palermo, Punta Raisi) and wind was 290/20. Not so crossed (landing runway was 25) but strong enough to suggest to touch down before with right gear. Rear gear free castoring patch applied. Hope you like Angelo Photo scenery by Dakota www.x-italy.it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEve_O_lcDM
    1 point
  7. Announcement! this 787's first release date is now slated for december 2012, with a plugin free version, simulating about 50% of the 787's features. after that, a new, fully simulated version will be released around april with the plugin
    1 point
  8. It's been here since the 2nd, and I don't think he's getting banned. He made a mistake. He trying to patch up. Give him a chance.
    1 point
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