The wait is over, and after 3 months of work, the X-Plane 10 New Zealand Pro scenery is released! X-Plane 10 New Zealand Pro is a complete replacement scenery package for New Zealand (North and South island). It is a combination of two parts. An extremely high resolution base mesh (even a bit higher than the other HD Scenery Mesh regions) with updated (and more detailed) landclass data (riverbeds, mines and morains are entirely new - compared to default Global Scenery), very detailed road / railroad/ powerline vector, and highly accurate water data (you should find most of the relevant rivers / streams, tiny lakes, and more detailed coastlines). An additional overlay scenery, which adds treelines (this time they are "real", derived from GIS data) and tons of objects (mostly houses, but there are also barns, churches, substations, schools, hospitals, shelters - outside the area, which are filled in by XP10 autogen). This scenery is for X-Plane 10 only, and ideally, you should have X-Plane 10.20 Beta 5 or above (as it brings some art assets - textures - in its default set, which NZ Pro uses). But don't worry, if you have an earlier version of XP10, there is a "workaround" for you on the download page. Best of all - as always - this scenery is donationware! Which means, you can freely download and use it, and if you like, you might donate for it (and even then, you decide what its worth for you). The link below will bring you to the - obligatory - screenshots (lots of before-after shots included): https://picasaweb.go...alandProRELEASE And here you go to my website, where the download links and detailed instructions can be found: http://www.alpilotx....ew-zealand-pro/