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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2011 in all areas

  1. Hi! After thinking a lot, trying to know what plane to make by my own (with Philipp I will do other also more complicated), I think I finally found one that I like. O course I always look for those planes that are not so complicated but a joy to fly. I discovered the PMDG Jetstream 41 and love it. But I don't want ot repeat the work. Not because I could not do what they did, but because always would be comparison between both planes. I like more the 31/32 version because is shorter, and as you know with my planes I usually like to make small planes. Of course if there is no other project with this plane or the 41 already started (I looked for one and didn't saw it). It is needed info to make it better. All the documentation possible. Detailed pictures specially of cockpit. Overhead, circuit breaker and back panels or back cockpit. Ceiling of the cockpit.. Details of landing gears.. etc. Hope you like. Of course if the project goes ahead because no other competitor, I cannot say anything of time finishing. Not drawn a vertex. Thanks!
    1 point
  2. Well, more like build, place n take piccies! Storms brewing..
    1 point
  3. Thank you again, Arti! This really looks like adding realizm in a pro-active way, even with only a single screen. I think you know what I'm checking on next. ...not enough thanks possible, Steve
    1 point
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