Osm2xp 2.0 is now available in the downloads area -> http://osm2xp.com It's a major release, nearly everything has been rewrited from scratch, but here are the major features: -New GUI, based on the eclipse rcp framework. -Generation rules can be imported/exported to xml. -Generation rules are more complex now, with more than one object file, and various parameters. -Better use of open street map height/levels tags. -Generation of xml and/or pdf stats files. -Embedded help window. -Osm2xp can now restart a crashed/closed generation job. just load the "osm2xp.project" file that was created at the root of your scenery folder. -Osm output format, for debug purpose or to extract a 1/1 tile from a bigger file. -Real time memory monitor. -More sloped roofs for houses. -Ini file ("osm2xp.ini" , in root folder of the application, for mac users under app/show content) to set the memory allocated to osm2xp (-Xms : min value, -Xmx : max value) A few updates should come in the next days/weeks , to enhance buildings quality in xplane, and to release a easy way for people to add their own textures. As soon as i will have made these updates , i'll make osm2xp open source. Also expect updates once x plane 10 is out, to take advantage of xp10 enhancements.