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SilverLining Crashing My Flights


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I'm running into an issue where X-Plane will freeze and sometimes CTD. It occurs towards the end of a long flight (anything longer than 1 hour), after loading a new aircraft, setting the weather myself vs X-Plane, and occasionally after take off. If I disable Gizmo and Silverlining the freeze does not occur. Not sure If I am running out of memory or not. 


PC, Win 7 64 Ultimate, Intell Quad core 9300 @3.1 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, Nvidia 280M GTX Sli. 



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Another crash, so more data for you. I removed all plugins except for the ones X-Plane ships with and installed v1.3.1. The plane I was testing with does use SASL though.


Took off with real weather, climbed to FL360. Was playing around with various view settings and cloud layers. Just after setting a stratus layer at FL100, it crashed.





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Please try to read logs i don't know if it's caused by silver line and gizmo, but this happened after install SMP and flight. This happened in final approach after inner marker. 


I have just audited the code that console.txt blames. 


There's nothing obvious but I can modify the code so that if it happens again the logs will be more specific.



Unfortunately this one is going to take a little time to track down fully.

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I have been having a crash to desktop since installing SkyMaxx Pro. It often happens on final approach. I purchased the add on on February 8th. I'm running Mac OSX 10.9.1 and I've noticed mention of a 1.3.1 version of the plugin for Mac users. If I look at the plugin configuration within X-Plane it shows 1.3. How can I get the 1.3.1 version?


I absolutely love how the clouds bring the environment to life. If I can get the CTD issue resolved, it will certainly be one of my favorite add-ons!



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I have been having a crash to desktop since installing SkyMaxx Pro. It often happens on final approach. I purchased the add on on February 8th. I'm running Mac OSX 10.9.1 and I've noticed mention of a 1.3.1 version of the plugin for Mac users. If I look at the plugin configuration within X-Plane it shows 1.3. How can I get the 1.3.1 version?


I absolutely love how the clouds bring the environment to life. If I can get the CTD issue resolved, it will certainly be one of my favorite add-ons!





Again we have identified why and now are moving towards a fix,  hang tight we have you back ;)

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John and Ben,


I know you've reported that you found a cause, but I just had another CTD while on final into an airport and I tried to capture all data that I could -- just in case it may be helpful.  I've included Log.txt, GizmoLog, and what I could capture from the console window (attached files below).


The situation again happened after several flights without incident.  Then I loaded an aircraft that had an unexplained malfunction; the autopilot did not work.  It appeared to engage, all lights that should be on were on, but only the Heading Hold would work.  However I finished that flight without CTD incident and landed manually.  On the next flight, with the same aircraft, all autopilot systems functioned.  Unfortunately I got the CTD on final.


This is a pattern that I have seen several times now -- 1. load aircraft that has a mysterious malfunction, 2. have repeatable CTDs after that.


I can only stop this CTD issue (temporarily) by reinstalling SkyMAXX.


I hope this can help.


DATA 15 FEB.zip

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  • 2 weeks later...

By way of updating my initial issue, I managed to squeeze out a couple of hours this past weekend to fly with the new (v1.3.1, I believe) SkyMaxx Pro installed. I did several short, local hops in the BK-117 before switching over to a longer flight in the MU2.

In the past, this has led to a crash, usually after about an hour of total flight time. This time, however, I was able to complete the flight. I enjoyed the splendor and beauty of the SMP environment the whole time. Especially the 'magic hour' sunset period.

Gorgeous textures, lighting and wonderful cloud effects. All without negatively impacting frame rates. This is the experience I had expected initially. Thank you, John, for sticking with it and making it possible.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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We are working on releasing a patch for this issue; it seems to happen in rare situations and only on MacOS. Meanwhile, you may find that unchecking the SMP option for forcing a cirrus cloud layer may reduce the likelihood of it happening. Stay tuned...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to report that my issues with crashed flights seems to be resolved too... By crashes, i mean software crashes... I'm not sure any software will fix my flying. :D


On a more serious note - SkyMaxx Pro, UrbanMaxx, and MaxxFX have really enhanced the flying experience for me. How you guys were able to provide add-ons that improve the visuals this much while not sacrificing performance is amazing!


Thank you for being responsive in resolving the issues that Mac users were having!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far a 1.3.1 goes, here is the report from tonights 2 identical flights. Happened about the same elapsed time as well.

iMac 27 OSX 10.9.2 (Mavericks)


From Apple crash report:


Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Codes: EXC_I386_GPFLT


Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   mac.xpl                           0x00000000830541c1 comp(SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLining::Renderable*) + 97
1   mac.xpl                           0x0000000083054661 void std::__final_insertion_sort<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<SilverLining::Renderable**, std::vector<SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLiningAllocator<SilverLining::Renderable*> > >, bool (*)(SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLining::Renderable*)>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<SilverLining::Renderable**, std::vector<SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLiningAllocator<SilverLining::Renderable*> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<SilverLining::Renderable**, std::vector<SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLiningAllocator<SilverLining::Renderable*> > >, bool (*)(SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLining::Renderable*)) + 289
2   mac.xpl                           0x0000000083053eb8 SilverLining::Renderer::SortAndDrawBlendedObjects(bool, bool) + 24
3   mac.xpl                           0x000000008300f9f7 SilverLining::Atmosphere::DrawObjects(bool, bool, bool, float, bool) + 3527
4   mac.xpl                           0x000000008300435a drawClouds(int, int, void*) + 411



Like others report, sometimes some flights are OK, then tonight CTD. 


I thought it might be the XSB weather push, so I set XP to "0" weather refresh time.  That didn't change anything.


I too absolutely enjoy flying in the SkyMaxx environment, but to not be able to complete flights causes anxiety. "when will this sim crash".


ONLY two bad players are X-Squalkbox and Skymaxx Pro.








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Why are you giving us a report on an old version of SkyMaxx Pro?

I am not sure if I missquoted the version number or thats the version I have.  Your site sends an update push (much appreciated) which I always install immediately. 

Regardless, I just downloaded and installed 1.3.22 and we'll see how we do.


Thanks for the reply Cameron.'




UPDATE: Flew the KPDX-KRNO tonight that failed twice before in the last two days.  I have the latest 1.3.22 installed.  Flight was flawless and there was much cloud layer into RNO.

What I did NOT do is allow XSB to update the WX. That will be the next test.  So far, so good.

Edited by gmiller51
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Unfortunately I got 2 crashes again with 1.3.2 version ! attached the last crash report. unfortunately this happened to me on the cross of the pond event last saturday after 7 hours flying and 1 hour before arrival.... was frustrated !


the forcing the cirrus option was unchecked...


I am a bit embarassed.... I don't want to uninstall SMP as I just don't imagine going back to the XP basic clouds, and at the same time not completing a long haul flight after 7 hours spent.....


hope you guys will solve the problem soon.


Thank you very much


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This is exactly the issue 1.3.2 should have fixed, and seems to have fixed for others. Just to double check that something didn't go wrong during the update - can you check the version number displayed in the configuration dialog of SkyMaxx Pro for us?

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We'll look into it for the next version... my best guess is that XSB is setting up cloud conditions we never anticipated under rare circumstances or something. Perhaps multiple cirrus layers at the same altitude or something like that. If anyone remembers what the cloud conditions looked like prior to encountering this it might be helpful.

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thank you again for taking the point. I appreciate very much.


Yeah that is possible ! I am using NOAA plugin and the crashes happen usually at cruise altitude, so the clouds are from the plugin and not from XSB. If it happens to me again (but hope not ;) ) I will send the cache of the NOAA data + the gps location where it did happen.


One again SMP is great, the support team is very serious, and I just don't imagine flying with the basic x-plane clouds !

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The NOAA plugin has bugs that are known to send absurd invalid values into the X-Plane weather system.


This is not something the SkyMAXX team should be expected to fix or work around.


The NOAA plugin is very well known to be broken or suspect for many many users.



the known problem with NOAA plugin is with the python version on mavericks. and I am just thinking that the crashes I got, happen only when I am on long haul flights and always after 6 or 7 hours or so flying. So probably the crash is occuring when NOAA plugin is failing to update the NOAA data and is sending non-coherent weather data to x-plane / silverlining ...


So somehow I agree with you. What I will do is to use NOAA plugin only for short or medium haul flights.... and hope we will see soon a more robust plugin to get real weather !


thanks again

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the known problem with NOAA plugin is with the python version on mavericks. and I am just thinking that the crashes I got, happen only when I am on long haul flights and always after 6 or 7 hours or so flying. So probably the crash is occuring when NOAA plugin is failing to update the NOAA data and is sending non-coherent weather data to x-plane / silverlining ...


So somehow I agree with you. What I will do is to use NOAA plugin only for short or medium haul flights.... and hope we will see soon a more robust plugin to get real weather !


thanks again


That is one of the easily diagnosed issues.


Spend the time looking into the scripts and pulling them apart and you will find data value parsing issues with the result being that the NOAA python scripts attempt to push insane values into the x-plane weather datarefs.


I've spent the time. The code is buggy.

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