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SilverLining Crashing My Flights


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Twice in the last handful of flights I've had XP CTD with the final entry in the log file being: 


--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: SilverLining}==--


I've attached the Log.txt. I looked in the SilverLining directory under plugins, but don't see any SMP specific log file there. If there is one somewhere, let me know and I'll dig it up and attach that.


This is mildly infuriating, as I only fly on VATSIM, ferrying assignments for FSE. I love what SMP does for clouds and the sky, but am very dissatisfied having a 1.25 hour flight cut short 2/3 of the way into it. Related to the memory leak issue? Conflict with XSB? Just bad juju? 


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To be entirely honest, the log doesn't help here.


What happens when you remove all but necessary plug-ins and fly the equal length in flight?


What is your RAM at when the CTD occurs, or at that stage length in flight? This is more valuable information. Everyone's computer and setup is different. You're going to need to help more than what's been offered. :)

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To be entirely honest, the log doesn't help here.


What happens when you remove all but necessary plug-ins and fly the equal length in flight?


What is your RAM at when the CTD occurs, or at that stage length in flight? This is more valuable information. Everyone's computer and setup is different. You're going to need to help more than what's been offered. :)


That is unfortunate. 


Time is a precious commodity (for all of us) and I have little of it available for flight simming as it is. I have neither the free time, nor the desire, to start pulling plugins out of an environment that worked prior to the installation of SMP. Thank you for offering me the option of expanding my role, but I politely decline at this point.


I have no idea what the RAM usage was at the point SilverLining crashed XP. I don't do any sort of system profiling while flying, in the hopes of debugging a plugin that may--or may not--crash the application. Frankly, if I have to fire up utilities in order to help figure out why (non-business-critical) commercial software is causing me problems (albeit these are definitely first world problems), I'll conclude that it's a better use of my time and resources to remove the offending package and avoid future purchases from the same publisher.


I re-ran the installer, thinking it would give me the option of uninstalling. It seems to have uninstalled SMP, reinstalled Gizmo and then installed SMP again. I have manually deleted the SilverLining folder from ./plugins. Is this sufficient to remove it from my system or is there some other process that needs to be followed?


I do appreciate the very fast reply, Cameron. It's unfortunate we couldn't help each other out. Perhaps SMP will work better in the future; maybe I'll reinstall it a couple patch levels down the road and see if this issue is resolved.


(edited out the snarky part; being frustrated, surrounded by unruly children and crappy weather momentarily clouded my judgment)

Edited by cruster
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I re-ran the installer, thinking it would give me the option of uninstalling. It seems to have uninstalled SMP, reinstalled Gizmo and then installed SMP again. I have manually deleted the SilverLining folder from ./plugins. Is this sufficient to remove it from my system or is there some other process that needs to be followed?


Go to X-Plane/X-Aviation and run the uninstaller. After this, re-run the X-Plane updater to restore default textures.


I really don't have much else to offer you here. You are clearly placing blame on us when this may perhaps not be our issue at all (it may be another offending plug-in, etc). This is not a controlled environment. You aren't beta testing anything here. It's VERY obvious this is not even close to a widespread issue, so expecting us to pull magic from the hat without your help is well...impossible.


We'll be here to help you if you WANT the help. That's the best I can offer you.

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I have one idea for you to try. Move the Goodway plugin into a "plugins_disabled" folder and see what happens. The Goodway plugin is a known bad boy that does not play well with online flight servers. I use the Goodway Flight Planning software all the time, but I don't have the plugin installed because I like to fly on VATSIM, PilotEdge, NetFlight and X-FlightServer. Goodway messes with them all. I'm surprised you've not had issues previously.

Try removing the Goodway plugin and get back to us with a report. Thanks!

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Cameron: I know you guys are willing to help. I just don't have the energy to deal with application issues right now. I do appreciate that support after the sale is offered here.


Ointment: I didn't even realize that Goodway plugin was in there. I installed Goodway, but it won't even launch on Mavericks (no response from them on the issue, either). I will delete that out (the app was removed previously) and see what happens. I suppose that means I have to reinstall SMP, though. <sigh> Thanks for the suggestion.

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Cruster, I have read your initial post carefully.


Couple months ago I felt just like you or probably worse, I wanted to set the X-Aviation on fire and never bother with it again :angry: ....  BUT I was wrong. :(


I just made a reply that you probably read about my initial problems and I was like you, I thought that all should work right away from the start.


Unfortunately, with the complexity of all XP/plug-ins interaction, the fresh XP install ( as bad as it sounds) might be the only option in certain cases.


The question one needs to make and decision that follows is:" what is more important for me, pushback plugin or a great looking sky and dynamic clouds?" :D


I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hope for some good news, really.


When you get things working, I think you will say:" well, that WAS worth the time and effort".


Good luck Cruster!


Cheers, AJ  ;)

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I didn't even realize that Goodway plugin was in there. I installed Goodway, but it won't even launch on Mavericks (no response from them on the issue, either). I will delete that out (the app was removed previously) and see what happens.

I think when you start up the Goodway app and it doesn't find the plugin installed, a pop up box opens and tells you it is not installed and asks you if you want to install it. You may have inadvertently reinstalled the plugin by clicking yes. Based on your log.txt it is the only plugin I can see that might be causing your issue. I have seen numerous issues with the Goodway plugin(not the app itself) and services like PilotEdge and VATSIM. I have my fingers crossed that deleting Goodway plugin will solve your issue.

Edited by ointment
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Flew a 1:12 flight in the MU-2; VATSIM (xquawkbox) and FSE. No problems at all.


Downloaded and installed the new SkyMAXX Pro 1.2. Started X-Plane, opened the SkyMAXX preferences, turned down the top slider (cloud size I think) and the crepuscular rays, hit apply. Immediate CTD.  Final entry in the (useless, I know) Log.txt:


--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: SilverLining}==--


Running the uninstaller.


EDIT: Uninstalled. Restarted X-Plane. Restored my "full screen" setting, which was lost in the CTD (that's annoying; I wonder why Laminar does that). Reinstalled SMP1.2. Looooong pause on startup (no mouse response, no pointer even), but I can change the settings and return to the cockpit without CTD. Will report back on how the flight goes.


UPDATE: Flight of 1:21 was uneventful and even included a pause of about 20 minutes while I grabbed dinner. Five flights in the BK117 of approx. 15 minutes each, all without problems and with multiple weather changes (real weather via VATSIM). So far, so good!

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After re-installing, I flew ten flights with no issue. Today was the first time since the 24th that I've had a chance to fly. Second flight resulted in a CTD with this in the log.txt:


XSB Weather push for: KMOP
XSBWeather data: vis=10.000000 alt=29.830000,rain=0.000000,thun=0.000000
XSBWeather wind: 0/2500/310/13/1/0 2500/10400/239/6/0/0 10400/22600/250/41/0/0 22700/90000/242/83/0/0
XSBWeather temp: 100/-5 10000/-17 18000/-28 35000/-61
XSBWeather clouds: 2300/4400/5/1/12 6500/9500/8/1/17 -1/-1/0/0/0
Push complete.
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: SilverLining}==--
Right before the CTD, the entire sim froze; not even the mouse pointer was responsive. Frustrating. 
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  • 3 weeks later...


Same problem, two consecutive flights...


paste my log. to see if someone can help me ... 
Thank you!



I thought I had it narrowed down to a conflict between Xsquawbox and SkyMaxx Pro, but then I realized the only time XP10 crashed to desktop (immediate, no crash log generated, oddly) was when I was flying the MU-2B. I could fly the BK-117 for more than an hour with no crash, but about 15 or 20 minutes after changing to the MU-2B, right after a weather update, it would crash. I began pondering if it could be a Gizmo related issue, as both SkyMaxx and the plane rely on Gizmo. But, I have already sunk enough time and money into this to pursue it further.


The final resolution for me was to uninstall SkyMaxx, as all other combinations of my few plugins play nice together, regardless of airplane chosen. In doing so, however, the SkyMaxx uninstall broke the MU-2B. My guess is that the uninstall removed Gizmo completely, despite my having four other X-Aviation packages installed. A re-download and re-install of the MU-2B brought it back to working status. Since removing SkyMaxx, I've booked a significant amount of time--for me--in XP10 without a single crash. 

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This issue is only affecting a few individuals so lets try to isolate the problem, personally I have never had a crash.......


Download the latest Gizmo plugin:




<<Perform the following steps with default aircraft loaded...>>


Ok lets start with setting rendering options down from the X-Plane 10 dialog and from SkyMAXX


Make sure your plugins are all properly installed....


Clean out plugins that are not involved with SkyMAXX IE do not remove Gizmo 64


Finally start adding plugins back and monitor the sim......




After you go through this process and if we cannot isolate the reason for a crash try using some add-on aircraft and monitor the situation....


At any point you have a crash please post your log so we can see whats going on.......

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